[digiKam-users] Error updating from 7.1 to 7.2.0
trparks1 at gmail.com
trparks1 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 30 22:56:51 BST 2021
Thanks, Here's what I got.
00000001 0.00000000 [3064] ComputerStatus - ClientRect height
361 and width 726 are NOT within 1% of screen height/width (2160,3840).
Foreground application is NOT FullScreen(window title: DebugView on
00000002 0.70061940 [3064] ComputerStatus - ClientRect height
361 and width 726 are NOT within 1% of screen height/width (2160,3840).
Foreground application is NOT FullScreen(window title: DebugView on
00000003 2.26719165 [12488] Type of item #0 of subgroup #0:
00000004 2.26723313 [12488] Type of item #0 of subgroup #1:
00000005 5.04513979 [3064] ComputerStatus - ClientRect height
960 and width 1176 are NOT within 1% of screen height/width (2160,3840).
Foreground application is NOT FullScreen(window title: Search)
00000006 5.75124598 [3064] ComputerStatus - ClientRect height
960 and width 1176 are NOT within 1% of screen height/width (2160,3840).
Foreground application is NOT FullScreen(window title: Search)
00000007 10.08820915 [3064] ComputerStatus - ClientRect height
960 and width 1176 are NOT within 1% of screen height/width (2160,3840).
Foreground application is NOT FullScreen(window title: Search)
00000008 10.79214478 [3064] ComputerStatus - ClientRect height
960 and width 1176 are NOT within 1% of screen height/width (2160,3840).
Foreground application is NOT FullScreen(window title: Search)
00000009 15.13353634 [3064] ComputerStatus - ClientRect height 0
and width 0 are NOT within 1% of screen height/width (2160,3840). Foreground
application is NOT FullScreen(window title: )
00000010 15.65248775 [22148] digikam.general: Loading DrMinGw
00000011 15.84002113 [22148] digikam.general: DrMinGw run-time
00000012 15.84008312 [22148] digikam.general: DrMinGw crash-file
will be located at: "C:\\Users\\trpar\\AppData\\Local\\digikam_crash.log"
00000013 15.84726048 [22148] digikam.widgets: Breeze icons
resource file found
00000014 15.85902691 [3064] ComputerStatus - ClientRect height 0
and width 0 are NOT within 1% of screen height/width (2160,3840). Foreground
application is NOT FullScreen(window title: )
00000015 15.85928154 [22148] digikam.widgets: Breeze-dark icons
resource file found
00000016 15.87006092 [22148] QCommandLineParser: already having
an option named "?"
00000017 15.87010098 [22148] QCommandLineParser: already having
an option named "help-all"
00000018 15.87013721 [22148] QCommandLineParser: already having
an option named "v"
00000019 15.96701241 [22148] digikam.general: Switch to widget
style: "Fusion"
00000020 15.96724033 [22148] digikam.general: AlbumWatch is
00000021 16.02808571 [22148] digikam.general: Database
00000022 16.02808571 [22148] Type:
00000023 16.02808571 [22148] DB Core Name:
00000024 16.02808571 [22148] DB Thumbs Name:
00000025 16.02808571 [22148] DB Face Name:
00000026 16.02808571 [22148] DB Similarity Name:
00000027 16.02808571 [22148] Connect Options: ""
00000028 16.02808571 [22148] Host Name:
00000029 16.02808571 [22148] Host port: 3307
00000030 16.02808571 [22148] Internal Server: true
00000031 16.02808571 [22148] Internal Server Path:
"C:/Users/trpar/OneDrive/Documents/TRP/DIgikam Working Archive"
00000032 16.02808571 [22148] Internal Server Serv Cmd:
"C:/Program Files/MariaDB 10.5/bin/mysqld.exe"
00000033 16.02808571 [22148] Internal Server Init Cmd:
"C:/Program Files/MariaDB 10.5/bin/mysql_install_db.exe"
00000034 16.02808571 [22148] Username: "root"
00000035 16.02808571 [22148] Password: ""
00000036 16.02808571 [22148]
00000037 16.08827591 [22148] digikam.databaseserver: Database
00000038 16.08827591 [22148] Type:
00000039 16.08827591 [22148] DB Core Name:
00000040 16.08827591 [22148] DB Thumbs Name:
00000041 16.08827591 [22148] DB Face Name:
00000042 16.08827591 [22148] DB Similarity Name:
00000043 16.08827591 [22148] Connect Options: ""
00000044 16.08827591 [22148] Host Name:
00000045 16.08827591 [22148] Host port: 3307
00000046 16.08827591 [22148] Internal Server: true
00000047 16.08827591 [22148] Internal Server Path:
"C:/Users/trpar/OneDrive/Documents/TRP/DIgikam Working Archive"
00000048 16.08827591 [22148] Internal Server Serv Cmd:
"C:/Program Files/MariaDB 10.5/bin/mysqld.exe"
00000049 16.08827591 [22148] Internal Server Init Cmd:
"C:/Program Files/MariaDB 10.5/bin/mysql_install_db.exe"
00000050 16.08827591 [22148] Username: "root"
00000051 16.08827591 [22148] Password: ""
00000052 16.08827591 [22148]
00000053 16.08830643 [22148] digikam.databaseserver: Internal
Server data path: "C:/Users/trpar/OneDrive/Documents/TRP/DIgikam Working
00000054 16.09058952 [22148] digikam.databaseserver: The mysql
configuration was already up-to-date:
00000055 16.12656593 [22148] digikam.databaseserver: Database
server: "C:/Program Files/MariaDB 10.5/bin/mysqld.exe"
"--datadir=C:\\Users\\trpar\\OneDrive\\Documents\\TRP\\DIgikam Working
Archive\\.mysql.digikam\\db_data", "--skip-networking=0", "--port=3307")
00000056 17.20185661 [22148] digikam.databaseserver: Internal
database server started
00000057 17.20248604 [22148] digikam.databaseserver: Running 0
00000058 19.36081696 [22148] digikam.dbengine: Loading SQL code
from config file "C:/Program
00000059 19.37292099 [22148] digikam.dbengine: Checking XML
version ID => expected: 3 found: 3
00000060 19.38085747 [22148] digikam.coredb: Core database:
running schema update
00000061 20.06405830 [22148] digikam.coredb: Core database: have
a structure version 10
00000062 20.06412888 [22148] digikam.coredb: Core database:
makeUpdates 10 to 12
00000063 20.11470795 [22148] digikam.dbengine: Failure executing
00000064 20.11470795 [22148] ""
00000065 20.11470795 [22148] Error messages: "QMYSQL: Unable to
execute query" "Table 'tags' is marked as crashed and should be repaired"
"1194" 2
00000066 20.11470795 [22148] Bound values: ()
00000067 20.11476326 [22148] digikam.dbengine: Error while
executing DBAction [ "UpdateSchemaFromV10ToV11" ] Statement [ "DROP TRIGGER
IF EXISTS insert_tagstree;" ]
00000068 20.11480331 [22148] digikam.coredb: Core database:
schema update to V 11 failed!
00000069 20.12067413 [22148] digikam.coredb: Core database:
cannot process schema initialization
00000070 20.19192123 [3064] ComputerStatus - ClientRect height 0
and width 0 are NOT within 1% of screen height/width (2160,3840). Foreground
application is NOT FullScreen(window title: )
00000071 20.92267609 [3064] ComputerStatus - ClientRect height
195 and width 334 are NOT within 1% of screen height/width (2160,3840).
Foreground application is NOT FullScreen(window title: digiKam)
00000072 25.23541641 [3064] ComputerStatus - ClientRect height
195 and width 334 are NOT within 1% of screen height/width (2160,3840).
Foreground application is NOT FullScreen(window title: digiKam)
00000073 25.96375275 [3064] ComputerStatus - ClientRect height
195 and width 334 are NOT within 1% of screen height/width (2160,3840).
Foreground application is NOT FullScreen(window title: digiKam)
00000074 26.48803711 [22148] digikam.general: KMemoryInfo:
Platform identified : "WINDOWS"
00000075 26.48828888 [22148] digikam.general: KMemoryInfo:
TotalRam: 16976605184
00000076 26.49112892 [22148] digikam.general: Allowing a cache
size of 200 MB
00000077 28.33336258 [22148] digikam.databaseserver: Shutting
down database server
00000078 28.33432388 [22148] digikam.databaseserver: Internal
database server stopped
00000079 28.41195488 [22148] QThreadStorage: Thread 0x9b96250
exited after QThreadStorage 7 destroyed
00000080 28.41222382 [22148] QWaitCondition: Destroyed while
threads are still waiting
-----Original Message-----
From: Digikam-users <digikam-users-bounces at kde.org> On Behalf Of Maik
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 2:07 PM
To: digiKam - Home Manage your photographs as a professional with the power
of open source <digikam-users at kde.org>
Subject: Re: [digiKam-users] Error updating from 7.1 to 7.2.0
Post the DebugView log when starting digiKam-7.2.0 as described here for
Don't forget to set the environment variable.
Am Dienstag, 30. März 2021, 22:59:26 CEST schrieb mippo:
> I get the same error (Failed to upload the database schema ...), with
> the new 7.2.0 digiKam 7.1.0 still works fine
> -----
> x
> --
> Sent from:
> http://digikam.1695700.n4.nabble.com/digikam-users-f1735189.html
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