[digiKam-users] strange naming behavior when moving albums + album tree not moving

Daniel Bauer linux at daniel-bauer.com
Thu Jan 14 10:08:57 GMT 2021

Good morning,

There are two things a bit annoying when moving a folder:

1) I have a large album tree. Now when I want to move an album to 
another album that is outside of the current shown part of the tree, I'd 
expect that the tree is moving up or down when I come to it's border, 
but it doesn't. So I cannot move that album within digikam. (*1 see 
below if I haven't explained it clear :-) )

2) So I open the "mother-album" album in dolphin and drag the 
to-be-moved-album to the new "mother-album" in digikam and say click 
"move" in dolphin.

Now the moved album gets the name of its original mother-album instead 
the name of the moved album and I must rename it. That's strange, isn't it?

Can I change those behaviors somehow r should I file a bug, or two?

This is digikam 6.0.0. on OpenSuse 15.1, KDE.


*1) more detailed about moving to not-visible folder:

complete tree:

album1 (outside visible tree on screen)
--------- visible part of the tree:
album5 (outside visible tree on screen)

I want to drag and drop album2 to album1 or album 5. When I drag up or 
down over the end of the visible tree-part I expect that the tree view 
moves so that 1 or 5 come into visible and I can drop the album. But the 
tree stays fix and  cannot reach album 1 or 5. So I can not use 
drag/drop of an album within the album tree of digikam, poided the 
destination album is outside of the visible tree part.

* 2) more detailed about wrong naming of dropped folder:

in dolphin:


in digikam album tree view:


now I grab "daughter-album" in dolphin, move the mouse over 
"destination-album" in digikam, drop it there and chose "move".

now the moved album is called "mother-album" instead of "daughter-album":


(the original "mother-album" stays un-altered and the moved 
"daughter-album" disappears from it's original place, as it should. It 
just gets the wrong name at the destination.)
Daniel Bauer photographer Basel Málaga

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