[digiKam-users] Using pdf files for images

Gilles Caulier caulier.gilles at gmail.com
Thu May 14 03:26:10 BST 2020


You can add PDF as type mime in DK setup, but the last time that i do
it, I see few time latency introduced to render thumbnail and preview.

Typically, there is no specific implementation to render PDF in
digiKam. We delegate the job to 2 possible codec :

1/ ImageMagick
2/ QImage

Depending of the structure of PDF, ImageMagick will take a while and
provide a wrong preview. Here i used my large lesson class
documentations generated with LibreOffice, and the result was really
really bad.

I don't yet tested with QImage codec.

This is why PDF is not included in type -mime by default in digiKam.

So we can tune a little bit in DK to the right codec to see which one
is the best. We need PDF samples from your collection to see the

We have 2 bugs about this topic in bugzilla. PDF is a long story, and
bug have been finally closed because no real and simple solution can
be found :


So feel free to comment and reopen rigth file in bugzilla to continue
this discussion.


Gilles Caulier

PS : excel and word as photo container will not work at all, i'm
sure... It's definitvely a bad idea.

Le mer. 13 mai 2020 à 09:16, Infocidihca <infocidihca at gmail.com> a écrit :
> I am new to digikam and working with a documentation organization. We have a lot of images received in pdf format. I noticed that digikam do not precess pdf files. Can I add this mime type to the configuration without creating problem with digikam processes?. Can I also add mime type for excel and word files as we receive these files with photo embedded.
> Daniel Godefroy
> --
> La mission du CIDIHCA tourne autour de quatre axes principaux:
> 1. Centre de Documentation et d'Information  sur Haïti, la Caraïbe et les Afro-Canadiens
> 2. Animation scientifique et culturelle
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> 4. Productions audiovisuelles
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