[digiKam-users] Database failure

Ray Liggett liggettray at gmail.com
Sat Apr 25 03:29:41 BST 2020

I am trying to use the latest release of DigiKam (digiKam-6.4.0-MacOS-x86-64) on my Mac running Mohave. I have a large number of photos.
Initially tried the Mysql internal server but it crashed my computer. I deleted DigiKam finding all that I could then reinstalled DigiKam and used SQLite but still received a database fail message. 
I trolled through the archived subscriber entries for 3 months and found no solution but the suggestion to run a diagnostic which I’ve copied below.
What can I do now? Given I have > 200k photos should I be using MySQL?

Last login: Sat Apr 25 09:29:36 on console

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Rays-iMac:~ rayliggett$ /opt/digikam/Applications/KF5/digikam.app/Contents/MacOS/digikam
digikam.widgets: Breeze icons resource file found
digikam.widgets: Breeze-dark icons resource file found
digikam.general: Switch to widget style:  "Fusion"
digikam.general: AlbumWatch is disabled
digikam.general: Database Parameters:
   Type:                     "QSQLITE"
   DB Core Name:             "/Users/rayliggett/Pictures/All Our Photos/digikam4.db"
   DB Thumbs Name:           "/Users/rayliggett/Pictures/All Our Photos/thumbnails-digikam.db"
   DB Face Name:             "/Users/rayliggett/Pictures/All Our Photos/recognition.db"
   DB Similarity Name:       "/Users/rayliggett/Pictures/All Our Photos/similarity.db"
   Connect Options:          ""
   Host Name:                ""
   Host port:                -1
   Internal Server:          false
   Internal Server Path:     ""
   Internal Server Serv Cmd: ""
   Internal Server Init Cmd: ""
   Username:                 ""
   Password:                 ""

digikam.dbengine: Loading SQL code from config file "/opt/digikam/Applications/KF5/digikam.app/Contents/Resources/digikam/database/dbconfig.xml"
digikam.dbengine: Checking XML version ID => expected:  3  found:  3
digikam.coredb: Core database: running schema update
digikam.coredb: Core database: no database file available
digikam.dbengine: Failure executing query:
Error messages: "Unable to execute statement" "database disk image is malformed" "11" 2 
Bound values:  ()
digikam.dbengine: Error while executing DBAction [ "CreateDB" ] Statement [ "CREATE TABLE AlbumRoots\n                    (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,\n                    label TEXT,\n                    status INTEGER NOT NULL,\n                    type INTEGER NOT NULL,\n                    identifier TEXT,\n                    specificPath TEXT,\n                    UNIQUE(identifier, specificPath));\n                " ]
digikam.coredb: Core database: cannot process schema initialization

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