[digiKam-users] FW: Failed to rename Album

Alan H webaccounts at live.com
Wed Apr 22 19:12:36 BST 2020

Just as a follow-up, I haven’t heard back if there was a fix for the issue presented below. Basically, if I open a photo in a child folder I cannot rename any parent folder above it. Since I am back into culling and organizing 30+ years of digitized slides this is quite important to the workflow. I tried downloading and re-installing 6.4.0 (windows) today to see if there has been a fix but it appears not. Can this be fixed or is there another solution? Thanks for your help with this.


Sent from Mail<https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for Windows 10

From: Alan H<mailto:webaccounts at live.com>
Sent: Monday, March 30, 2020 1:40 PM
To: digiKam - Home Manage your photographs as a professional with the power of open source<mailto:digikam-users at kde.org>
Subject: Re: [digiKam-users] Failed to rename Album

Greetings all,
After following up on the suggestions provided (except for APIs of which I know nothing), and just trying various renaming scenarios, I rather randomly ended up at Maik’s third point (I think) of “a preview image was previously opened in digiKam”. If, in a collection, I open/preview a photo I am blocked from renaming (Failed to rename Folder error) any parent folder higher in the hierarchy above the folder in which the photo was previewed. But, I can rename the photo in the child folder in which the photo was previewed, and all other child folders at the same level, if that makes sense.

Maik, Gilles, have you had a chance to look into this - is this something that can fixed? I understand with the covid-19 pandemic that you may have other priorities. Can I at least safely rename blocked folders in Windows file explorer until there is a fix? With thanks, Alan.

Sent from Mail<https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for Windows 10

From: Gilles Caulier<mailto:caulier.gilles at gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, March 27, 2020 1:00 AM
To: digiKam - Home Manage your photographs as a professional with the power of open source<mailto:digikam-users at kde.org>
Subject: Re: [digiKam-users] Failed to rename Album


In my office, i had a Windows computer running under Windows 10 with a
huge Qt based program dedicated to record measurement files in local
before to upload data in a remote database.

While this process i remember that local files cannot be cleaned in
local when uploading was complete. The file remove was based on QFile
class if i remember. The origin of the problem was the desktop search
engine from Windows running in background which look files in
parallel. In fact when you write a new file somewhere, Windows open
files in background to parse contents and reference metadata in a
search engine database.

Possible solutions :

1/ disable the search service from Windows
2/ set the search service to ignore specific  paths
3/ use a Windows API before to create new file to be ignored by the
search engine.
4/ use a Windows API to force to unlock file in all cases.

Note : the Windows file unlock mechanism is not managed by Qt API for
Windows. I remember to see a bug reported in Qt about this problem...


Le mer. 25 mars 2020 à 02:34, Maik Qualmann <metzpinguin at gmail.com> a écrit :
> Yes, renaming or deleting folders can fail under Windows if they are in use
> and locked by Windows.
> Folders are locked when
> - subfolders are open in Explorer
> - folders are part of a Windows network share
> - a preview image was previously opened in digiKam
> At the last point we have to see if there are still open file handlers and fix
> this.
> Maik
> Am Dienstag, 24. März 2020, 23:23:34 CET schrieb Alan H:
> > Hello,
> >
> > My albums are generally organized as follows:
> >
> > Collection (year)>Parent Album (mm month)>Child Album (dd day)
> >
> > The parent albums are named 01 Jan to 12 Dec and I would like to add a
> > location description. When I rename a parent album I get a “Failed to
> > rename Album” error. This happens whether right clicking the selected album
> > for “properties” or “rename”, or from the Menu bar>Albums>properties/rename
> > or from Shift+F2. I can rename a child album but only if it is the lowest
> > order (last) child. I can rename an parent album/folder in Windows Explorer
> > and the change appears in digiKam but this is an awkward solution.
> >
> > I’m running digiKam 6.3.0 on Windows 10 and the folders (albums) are located
> > on both a local hard drive and a locally attached USB drive.
> >
> > Any solutions or suggestions? Thanks for helping with this inquiry.
> >
> > Alan
> > Sent from Mail<https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for Windows
> > 10

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