[digiKam-users] organize pictures on nas with digikam

Andrew Goodbody ajg02 at elfringham.co.uk
Mon Oct 14 09:09:05 BST 2019

On 14/10/2019 08:51, Christian Fuchs wrote:
> When i drag pictures from a folder into digikam it automatically copies 
> them to my local folder.
> Can i configure digikam so that it only references to external files?
> I am using the windows version

No, that is not possible due to the way digikam works. digikam gives a 
view onto the file system starting at the point you add as a Collection. 
Anything that is not in the Collection will be imported. If you wish to 
work on other areas of the file system then you can add other 
Collections as well. These can be local, network or removable IIRC.


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