[digiKam-users] Hide empty folders in collections

Martin Burnicki martin.burnicki at burnicki.net
Tue Nov 19 10:29:20 GMT 2019

Remco Viƫtor wrote:
> On lundi 18 novembre 2019 11:35:20 CET Dumelle, Timo (E+K) wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Since you managed to get digikam start in about 1 - 2 minutes instead of 3
>> minutes with a 350000 pics mysql database, I gave it another try!
>> I added a collection which basically is a folder on a share where word,
>> excel, pdf, pictures and movies are dumped into project related subfolders
>> In this collection there are many folders that don't contain digikam
>> related stuff, so the folders are "empty" for digikam
>> Is there an option to hide / ignore empty folders?
>> I think that would add an extra on performance and would help to reduce
>> confusion on my users
> The only way I see for Digikam to decide a folder is "empty", is to check the 
> folder contents, i.e. iterate over the files in the folder. That's what's 
> happening now as well to check for new files. So a "hide empties" option will 
> at best not add extra processing, and thus not help in start-up time.
> It might still be worthwhile, in order to simplify the interface. Then again, 
> *not* seeing folders you know are there can also be confusing, it all depends 
> on the users. E.g. I know that the albums in Digikam represent directories on 
> the disk, so not seeing some only because there are no images would be more 
> confusing for me.

Agreed. Imagine you have a folder which is yet still empty, but you are
going to move some images there from within DK. How would you do that if
you don't see the empty folder?

I think this is more like a question how documents and images are being
managed. Probably it's easier to have a folder and subfolders with
images only, and a different folder with subfolders for other documents.


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