[digiKam-users] digikam git version , strange 'Tags' tag

leoutation at gmx.fr leoutation at gmx.fr
Thu Feb 7 16:22:15 GMT 2019

On 2/6/19 9:21 PM, Maik Qualmann wrote:
> Can you send me a image (by email), that again and again created this
> "badfolder"?
1) "cleanup database" works normally, no "badfolder" created
2) when updating database from images metadata (.xmp files), 
"badfolder"/"F***" is created. In attached screenshot, this bad folder 
is the red one . Other good folders are green.
3) after searching in .xmp affected images files, i discover they 
contain "F***" word/bad tag. => I understand that after deleting this 
badfolder/"F***"/tags, they are not really deleted in .xmp files.
Other thing, bad folder "F***" duplicates some tags of good folder 
"T**** (8729)".
I think, but I'm not sure, in the past, I renamed tag folder "T***" in 
"F***", then I renamed folder "F***" in "T***"


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