[digiKam-users] sort by date

Marie-Noëlle Augendre mnaugendre at gmail.com
Wed Mar 7 11:20:06 GMT 2018

Hmmm... I'm afraid this seems like Chinese to me!

A couple of questions:
 - why does it happen 'sometimes' vs all the time?
 - is there some plan to fix it soon?


2018-03-06 21:29 GMT+01:00 Maik Qualmann <metzpinguin at gmail.com>:

> This is the cause:
> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=386959
> Maik
> Am Dienstag, 6. März 2018, 18:55:15 CET schrieb Marie-Noëlle Augendre:
> > I encounter the same problem while exporting TIFF from darktable to
> > digikam. In those cases (around 20% of the pictures maybe), the original
> > date isn't properly added to the TIFF picture, but replaced by the
> > date/time of the export. I don't know whether the problem comes from
> > darktable or digikam, but I only modify the date in digikam (copy/paste
> the
> > one from the original RAW), and everything comes back to order.
> >
> > Marie-Noëlle
> >
> > 2018-03-06 18:45 GMT+01:00 Andrey Goreev <aegoreev at gmail.com>:
> > > I don't think it is normal but I am not sure how to catch what's
> wrong...
> > > I noticed that when I export jpeg from darktable and then tag it in
> > > digikam.
> > > Every once in a while the jpeg would show up at the end of the list.
> > > If you keep working on your collection you will notice later that the
> jpeg
> > > actually has the tags you assigned and is located properly (sorted by
> > > date)
> > > I kind of got used to it.
> > >
> > > Best regards,

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et tous mes livres-photos sur le site Blurb
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