Impossible to install digikam 5.8.0 as low privilege user on MS Windows 10

Andrey Goreev aegoreev at
Wed Jan 24 12:51:49 GMT 2018

Can't you install digikam on a Windows machine at home or in a virtual machine and then copy the directory from c:\program files of that machine to a USB drive and then bring it to your office and copy digikam to your user directory?

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
-------- Original message --------From: Gilles Caulier <caulier.gilles at> Date: 2018-01-24  2:49 AM  (GMT-07:00) To: digiKam - Home Manage your photographs as a professional with the power of open source <digikam-users at> Subject: Re: Impossible to install digikam 5.8.0 as low privilege user on MS Windows 10 
You can open a file in bugzilla about this topic.
Gilles Caulier
2018-01-24 9:03 GMT+01:00  <cerp at>:
Dear Gilles,

I udnerstand your point. My point would be that, because we are allowed to install in our user set of directories, digikam should offer the option to be installed in those, just like many other programmes, not only rawtherapee. Under Linux, you only install using admin if you do a system wide install, but if you install in the /home of the user, you can still do it.


Quoting Gilles Caulier <caulier.gilles at>:


It's fully reproducible here in my offcie with Windows 7 where all

computers are centrally managed too.

As the installer register the application in Windows registery to be

visible in Windows control pannel (uninstall section), you need admin right

to install.

Also i think it's safe to require admin right to install an application in

a centrally managed park of computer. After all, we need this right too

under MacOS and Linux (excepted AppImage but's it's a special case).

So for me it's a normal install behavior, and the way used by Rawtherapee

is wrong.

Gilles Caulier

2018-01-23 23:59 GMT+01:00 <cerp at>:

Dear all,

I cannot install digikam 5.8.0 as low privilege user on MS Windows 10. My

laptop is centrally managed, but I can easily install those packages like

Rawtherapee that can be installed in the local user directory without




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