How to compare two albums?

Martin Burnicki martin.burnicki at
Thu Feb 8 22:34:07 GMT 2018

CD.Graesser wrote:
> How can i compare  1700 filtered images (all from 2017 with star rating
> 4) with  a folder/album  that contains  1500 images to find the missing
> ones and copy only those.
> The problem came up while i wanted to copy the 1700 filtered images into
> a new album, but after 1500 image the harddrive was full and the copying
> stopped. How do i know which are missing?

Albums are simply directories, so you could just open a command line
window, list the files, pipe the output into a text file and compare the
text files from both directories.

The exact commands depend on the OS you are running: Linux? Windows?


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