[digiKam-users] digikam 6.0.0 release

frederic chaume frederic.chaume at gmail.com
Wed Dec 26 13:49:26 GMT 2018


does it mean that in DK6, the creation of the new db is not automatic 
and not handled during the installation process ? is it planned to be 
added for the release version?

(I'm using the default db SQLLite)

I'm altready using DK6 on Win10, where to execute the commands you are 
talking about

I tried to run the maintenance but it doesn't change anything, still 
seeing only 3 db files, and still don't find anyu button to launch 
similarity search.



Le 23/12/2018 à 08:08, Phil Styles a écrit :
> Hi Frederic
> With 5.9.0 just create an empty database in the same manner as the 
> standard three databases e.g.
> CREATE DATABASE digikam_similarity;
> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON digikam_similarity.* TO 'digikam'@'%';
> After installing 6.0.0 the Database Settings form has a new field to 
> identify the “Similarity DB Name”; change this to identify the 
> similarity database created previously
> I’ve yet to try any using this feature but I believe you have to run 
> “Maintenance” to ‘Find Duplicate Items” and then you can use the “Find 
> Duplicates” tool. I’m sure more experienced digiKam users will correct 
> me if I’m wrong.
> Regards, PhilTheHill
> *From:*Digikam-users <digikam-users-bounces at kde.org> *On Behalf Of 
> *frederic chaume
> *Sent:* 22 December 2018 08:44
> *To:* digikam-users at kde.org
> *Subject:* Re: [digiKam-users] digikam 6.0.0 release
> Hi PhilTheHill
> thanks a lot for those guidelines
> I'm currently running 6.0.0 Beta2 on windows 10 (default configuration 
> with sqllite), and I noticed you mentionned a step 3 : Configure the 
> new ‘Similarity Db’
> can you precise what need to be done? I currently tried to use 
> similarity , but didin't found any button in the inteface to launch 
> the search, could it come from missing this steps ?
> I see effectively the recognition, digikam and thumbnails databases , 
> but not the similarity one
> I'm joining to you to warmely thanks the digikam team to provide us 
> this excellent product.
> and Merry Christmas to yo
> regards
> frederic
> Le 21/12/2018 à 08:50, digikam at styles.me.uk 
> <mailto:digikam at styles.me.uk> a écrit :
>     Having noticed that the release of digiKam 6.0.0 is imminent
>     according to the Release Plan
>     <https://www.digikam.org/documentation/releaseplan/> I thought I’d
>     pen a few words on the upgrade from a user viewpoint.
>     I’ve been quietly testing the 5.9.0 to 6.0.0 betas for some time
>     now and as recent emails have pointed out, there is a database
>     upgrade involved.
>     For a major release, this should be expected and if you’re
>     intending to use digiKam seriously, you should already be backing
>     up your database regularly but especially before any upgrade,
>     major or minor!!! I’m using digiKam on Windows 10 with MariaDB on
>     Centos 7 for the database so this means running something like
>     mysqldump --add-drop-table -h -u ${USER}
>     -p${DB_PASSWORD} digikam_core | bzip2 -c
>     >~/backups/digikam_core.sql.bz2
>     mysqldump --add-drop-table -h -u ${USER}
>     -p${DB_PASSWORD} digikam_thumbs | bzip2 -c
>     >~/backups/digikam_thumbs.sql.bz2
>     mysqldump --add-drop-table -h -u ${USER}
>     -p${DB_PASSWORD} digikam_faces | bzip2 -c
>     >~/backups/digikam_faces.sql.bz2
>     mysqldump --add-drop-table -h -u ${USER}
>     -p${DB_PASSWORD} digikam_similarity | bzip2 -c
>     >~/backups/digikam_similarity.sql.bz2
>     You should note that there is a fourth digicam_similarity database
>     which is introduced with 6.0.0. I would recommend creating an
>     empty database on your 5.9.0 server which 5.9.0 will ignore but
>     6.0.0 will use (and it will already be included in your backup
>     scripts).
>     If you’re planning to test digiKam seriously, create a digikam6
>     database owned by a different user with a different password
>     (which helps to minimise ‘accessing the wrong database’ problems)
>     and restore the 5.9.0 databases for use by digiKam 6.0.0.
>     bunzip2 -c <~digikam/backups/digikam_core.sql.bz2 | mysql -h
> -u ${USER} -p${DB_PASSWORD} digikam6_core
>     bunzip2 -c <~digikam/backups/digikam_thumbs.sql.bz2 | mysql -h
> -u ${USER} -p${DB_PASSWORD} digikam6_thumbs
>     bunzip2 -c <~digikam/backups/digikam_faces.sql.bz2 | mysql -h
> -u ${USER} -p${DB_PASSWORD} digikam6_faces
>     bunzip2 -c <~digikam/backups/digikam_similarity.sql.bz2 | mysql -h
> -u ${USER} -p${DB_PASSWORD} digikam6_similarity
>     For testing digiKam itself, use a second system, either a physical
>     system or a virtual machine and NOT your live digiKam install!!!
>     All software has bugs or ‘unexpected features’ and beta software
>     often has even more; expect problems and plan accordingly. On your
>     test system, install digKam 5.9.0 (or whatever version you’re
>     currently using), copy over digikamrc from your working
>     installation and edit it to refer to the 6.0.0 database. You’ve
>     now ‘cloned’ your 5.9.0 install and database so test it works and
>     fix any problems before proceeding. You can then upgrade your test
>     5.9.0 install to 6.0.0. as this tests the software upgrade process
>     for your setup.
>     After upgrading your test install to 6.0.0 you can finally try it.
>     What can you expect? Your anti-virus software may object to
>     unsigned programs so be prepared to deal with this. From my
>     observations, the first time digKam 6.0.0 runs against a 5.9.0
>     database, it takes a loooooooong time to startup which, given that
>     there’s a database upgrade, should be expected. Go and have a cup
>     of tea/coffee and give it time to finish! In addition, even when
>     digicam 6.0.0 appears ‘ready to use’ there are background
>     activities still in running so check both digicam itself (task
>     manager on Windows) and the database server (top on Linux) are
>     idle before trying to use digicam seriously. Depending on your
>     hardware and database size, this may take a couple of hours.
>     I’ve used this process to test all the recent betas without
>     impacting my working 5.9.0 setup and, encouragingly, have not
>     encountered any major problems.
>     If you’re not wanting to test the beta releases, life is a little
>     simpler so ….
>      1. Backup your current database, pictures and digikamrc to two
>         different places e.g. NAS and offline disk – anything
>         important should be stored in three different places
>      2. Install the digiKam 6.0.0 software package and run it
>      3. Go for a tea/coffee and check it’s finished. Then go for lunch
>         and check it’s really finished.
>      4. Configure the new ‘Similarity Db’
>      5. Test it! Thrash it!!! Run though all database maintenance
>         activities, check critical workflow functions as expected, try
>         new functionality and consider if performance is OK.
>     Until you actually start using it for new work, you can still
>     revert to 5.9.0 (software and database) and all you’ve lost is
>     some time.
>     And finally, thanks to all the hard work by the digiKam team in
>     producing an excellent product, Respect earned!
>     PhilTheHill
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