[digiKam-users] CLI options?

Sky Diver skydivergm at gmail.com
Tue Dec 18 07:57:52 GMT 2018

In short:
Is there any CLI options that Digikam understands?
Mainly: Can I pass Digikam the DB instance to use in the current
session via CLI?

I just recently realized that v6.0.0-beta* modifies the DB schema.
>From recent emails it seems that not all data is being upgraded
according to the schema (I'm not sure if any upgrade process takes
place or not).

So testing 6.0.0 beta versions modified my DB.
I don't see the modifications as destructive at the moment, and so far
I'm able to run the DB on 6.0.0 and 5.9.0 interchangeably.

Since Digikam globally remembers what was the last used DB, then in
order to switch to a test DB for the sake of running tests on a beta
version, I need to:
- Open the stable release version
- Switch to a test DB
- Switch to the test version
- Once done: Open the stable version again and remember to switch from
test to real DB.

My test DB is just a copy of the original DB, just running from a
different directory.
This led to confusion that cost me working on the test DB thinking I'm
on the real DB, and also cost me the DB upgrade (which again, luckily
so far doesn't seem destructive, but it could have been).

I would much rather have a CLI argument telling Digikam to run this
time using a specific DB instance?
Also, are there any other CLI options? (couldn't find anything in the
docs, but I might have overlooked something).


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