[digiKam-users] The future of 6.0.0 bundles and C++11 support...

Gilles Caulier caulier.gilles at gmail.com
Mon Apr 2 08:08:25 BST 2018

Hi all,

Yesterday evening, i tried to build 6.0.0 AppImage under CentoS 6.9 in 64
bits. I forget another piece which increase the compilation complexity :

digiKam require ffmpeg 3.x. Centos has no ffmpeg rpm officially, excepted
one contrib repo in Romania with a 2.x release outdated.

We have already a file in bugzilla to build digiKam +qtAv with a recent
ffmpeg, in goal to be able to manage recent video containers as H265. So i
must add rules to compile ffmpeg myself in the bundle, and it's a complex
task. I cannot use static ffmpeg build here, as i need shared libs.

So, no way to build 32 bits AppImage bundles for the future...

Gilles Caulier

2018-04-02 8:30 GMT+02:00 jdd at dodin.org <jdd at dodin.org>:

> Le 02/04/2018 à 08:23, Remco Viëtor a écrit :
> And as Gilles remarked, you can always switch to compiling Digikam
>> yourself.
>> Though that can get progressively more difficult if the distributions
>> start
>> phasing out otherwise unused libraries Digikam needs.
> chance are any 32 bits distro will have digikam. Only the appimage may be
> more difficult to find, but brand new functions often ask more of the
> hardware so needs more recent computer
> on openSUSE, Tumbleweed is still proposed with 32 bits (although this may
> not be for anybody)
> jdd
> --
> http://dodin.org
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