Displaying photos without segregating by album

BensonBear benson.bear at gmail.com
Thu Sep 21 16:08:05 BST 2017

"Oh, I guess in your case photos from each camera have different extension
e.g. some are DNG, some are CR2, some are PEF etc. If you group by type then
each raw format  is probably grouped together. "Flat" cancels that

No, I don't have any fancy cameras, they are mostly just phones and do not
shoot raw, all the files are jpeg or some movie format.  It is not the
formats being grouped together, but the cameras, because I have each camera
in a folder, which then becomes an album.

"You might want to read DAM section of the digikam handbook. There are some
good practices mentioned there including advantages of the DNG format,
recommended folder structure, etc. "

Thanks, I looked in there and it is useful,  but I do not want any semantic
(including time) information encoded in the external folder structure and
then forcefully applied by digikam to "albums".  I would prefer to have all
of this kind of information specifiable in the program.   For example if one
uses time to define the folders, that unnaturally divides up events that
cross over the borders of one's time divisions. The only thing preventing me
from putting everything in one directory is the unwieldy size of it.  So I
already decided to use one directory per camera, which is *fairly* natural,
keeps directories fairly small (and can use arbitrary subdirectories, as one
of my cameras already does)  and doesn't impose any real semantics outside
of the program, but then the problem I initially specified arose.  However,
"flat" view fixes that just fine.

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