Digikam won't read Video Sidecars?

David Golden vtdave88 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 20 03:23:20 BST 2017

Greetings all!  I am trying to move from manually managing my photos (both
cell and DSLR) via bash scripts, folders, and exiftool, to using Digikam.
However, one problem I am encountering is getting cell videos properly

Right now, when I dump from my cell to my hard drive, I use a bash script
to add basic metadata.  For photos it gets added directly to the file, but
when I started Exiftool recommended not writing to videos, so I save the
info in a sidecar with the same filename, but adding ".xmp" to the end
(e.g. video.mp4.xmp).  The tags are:

[XMP]           CreatorCity                     : mycity
[XMP]           CreatorCountry                  : USA
[XMP]           CreatorAddress                  : myaddress
[XMP]           CreatorPostalCode               : 12345
[XMP]           CreatorRegion                   : mystate
[XMP]           CreatorWorkEmail                : myemail
[XMP]           Description                     : brief description
[XMP]           Title                           : Video.mp4 | 2015-07-03
09:55:18 -0400
[XMP]           Headline                        : folder title
[XMP]           Source                          : myname
[XMP]           CopyrightStatus                 : Protected
[XMP]           ImageFileConstraints            : Maintain Metadata
[XMP]           Copyright                       : © 2015 by me, all rights
[XMP]           CreateDate                      : 2015:07:03 13:55:18

I have Digikam set to read from and write to sidecars.

When I move a new folder into the Pictures directory tree and load Digikam,
it correctly reads the metadata from the picture.  It does *not* read the
metadata from the video sidecar.  All the appropriate fields are blank
within Digikam.  However.  if I edit the copyright info within the
Information tab, it changes the copyright tag within the XMP, *and* it
completely wipes out the other info (such as Creator...) within the

How can I get Digikam to properly read my video sidecars.  Right now I am
forced to keep any folder containing videos out of Digikam to avoid
destroying information.

I'm using Digikam 5.5 under openSUSE Tumbleweed
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