New app bundle compiled notification

Andrey Goreev aegoreev at
Sat Oct 28 20:55:40 BST 2017

I just thought it would be great to know when a new app bundle is 
available. Sometimes I do want to know that but don't want to bugging you

On Saturday, October 28, 2017 1:48:16 PM MDT, Gilles Caulier wrote:
> Hi,
> Well, the script stop when compilation bundle is done, but do 
> not upload yet the file to GDrive automatically. I tried to 
> automatize the job but Google API is complex or incomplete. So i 
> do it myself through a web browser.
> Gilles
> 2017-10-28 21:45 GMT+02:00 Andrey Goreev <aegoreev at>:
> Hello Gilles,
> I was wondering if that is possible to add an option to your 
> digikam compilation script that would notify subscribed users of 
> a new version app bundle available uppon finishing the 
> compilation (or few minutes after that since it probably takes 
> few minutes to upload the files to GDrive).
> Just an idea.


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