Adjusting file last modified date

Martin Burnicki martin.burnicki at
Sun May 21 10:49:13 BST 2017

Mark Fraser wrote:
> The other day I wanted to change the last modified date of some photos in 
> digiKam 5.5, but using Image > Adjust Time & Date was no longer an option. I 
> later found something similar in batch conversion tools, but it doesn't seem 
> to be working - the last modified date doesn't change and it creates a 2nd 
> image in the folder.
> Am I doing something wrong or am I no longer able to change the last modified 
> date in digiKam?

Isn't the "last modified" date just the date from the filesystem, i.e.
the last time the image file was written/updated?

So that date should change to the current date/time whenever you edit
the image and save it, or when you change its meta data and have DK
configured write meta data back to the original file instead of the data
base only.


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