Can't run AppImage on Manjaro 17. Any ideas?

Andrey Goreev aegoreev at
Tue Mar 14 15:52:09 GMT 2017

Thanks for the explanations. I guess I will just ignore the error for 
now. I don't use that integration anyways.

By the way, I have seen a qt5 alternative to zenity:

In case you were looking for it...

On 14/03/17 09:40 AM, Gilles Caulier wrote:
> Look at startup. AppImage use Fuse FS to mount bundle constents 
> somewhere in /tmp. Mone :
> [gilles at localhost Downloads]$ ./digikam-5.5.0-01-x86-64.appimage
> -- digiKam AppImage Bundle
> -- Use 'help' as CLI argument to know all available options
> digikam.widgets: Breeze icons ressource file found
> digikam.general: AlbumWatch use QFileSystemWatcher
> digikam.general: Database Parameters:
>   Type:                     "QSQLITE"
>   DB Core Name:             "/mnt/data/photos/digikam4.db"
>   DB Thumbs Name:           "/mnt/data/photos/thumbnails-digikam.db"
>   DB Face Name:             "/mnt/data/photos/recognition.db"
>   Connect Options:          ""
>   Host Name:                ""
>   Host port:                -1
>   Internal Server:          false
>   Internal Server Path:     ""
>   Internal Server Serv Cmd: ""
>   Internal Server Init Cmd: ""
>   Username:                 ""
>   Password:                 ""
> digikam.dbengine: Loading SQL code from config file 
> "/tmp/.mount_LUqdTe/usr/share/digikam/database/dbconfig.xml"
> ^^^
> While AppImage run, you can take a look in /tmp/.mount...
> You problem is in /tmp/.mount_TZP9uG/usr/bin/digikam.wrapper
> This file come from AppImage SDK, not digiKam implementation. This 
> script is used by AppImage to register application into desktop, as i 
> know.
> It call /usr/bin/zenity tool from your system and this one crash. I 
> think this tool is a simple dialog question handler to ask to register 
> application in desktop.
> Do not ask me why zenity crash...
> Gilles Caulier
> 2017-03-14 16:24 GMT+01:00 Andrey Goreev <aegoreev at 
> <mailto:aegoreev at>>:
>     AppImage runs but these two lines are still there:
>     /tmp/.mount_TZP9uG/usr/bin/digikam.wrapper: line 121:  3944
>     Aborted                 (core dumped) LD_LIBRARY_PATH="" zenity
>     --question --title="$TITLE" --text="$TEXT" 2> /dev/null
>     /tmp/.mount_TZP9uG/usr/bin/digikam.wrapper: line 121:  3950
>     Aborted                 (core dumped) LD_LIBRARY_PATH="" zenity
>     --question --title="$TITLE" --text="$TEXT" 2> /dev/null
>     On 14/03/17 09:22 AM, Andrey Goreev wrote:
>>     Thanks it worked however 'debug' mode still isn't working:
>>     -- digiKam AppImage Bundle
>>     -- Use 'help' as CLI argument to know all available options
>>     Starting digiKam into GDB...
>>     Use 'bt' command on debugger prompt to get a crash backtrace.
>>     Use 'q' command to quit debugger session.
>>     /tmp/.mount_MokJ8V/AppRun: line 55: gdb: command not found
>>     On 14/03/17 08:30 AM, Gilles Caulier wrote:
>>>     multilib/lib32-openal 1.17.2-1
>>>     This one sound fine.
>>>     Gilles Caulier
>>>     2017-03-14 15:27 GMT+01:00 Andrey Goreev <aegoreev at
>>>     <mailto:aegoreev at>>:
>>>         One of these? I am not sure...
>>>         pacsearch openal
>>>         extra/freealut 1.1.0-5
>>>             OpenAL Utility Toolkit (ALUT)
>>>         extra/openal 1.17.2-2
>>>             Cross-platform 3D audio library, software implementation
>>>         extra/openal-examples 1.17.2-2
>>>             Cross-platform 3D audio library, software implementation
>>>         (example programs)
>>>         community/alure 1.2-4
>>>             Utility library to help manage common tasks with OpenAL
>>>         applications.
>>>         community/gambas3-gb-openal 3.9.2-2 (gambas3)
>>>             OpenAL 3D audio component
>>>         multilib/lib32-openal 1.17.2-1
>>>             A cross-platform 3D audio library (32-bit)
>>>         On 14/03/17 07:10 AM, Gilles Caulier wrote:
>>>>         install libopenal on your computer.
>>>>         Gilles Caulier
>>>>         2017-03-14 14:09 GMT+01:00 Andrey Goreev
>>>>         <aegoreev at <mailto:aegoreev at>>:
>>>>             '/home/user/AppImages/digiKam/digikam-5.5.0-01-x86-64.appimage'
>>>>             -- digiKam AppImage Bundle
>>>>             -- Use 'help' as CLI argument to know all available options
>>>>             /tmp/.mount_rw94fD/usr/bin/digikam.wrapper: line 121: 
>>>>             1679 Aborted          (core dumped) LD_LIBRARY_PATH=""
>>>>             zenity --question --title="$TITLE" --text="$TEXT" 2>
>>>>             /dev/null
>>>>             /tmp/.mount_rw94fD/usr/bin/digikam.wrapper: line 121: 
>>>>             1685 Aborted          (core dumped) LD_LIBRARY_PATH=""
>>>>             zenity --question --title="$TITLE" --text="$TEXT" 2>
>>>>             /dev/null
>>>>             /tmp/.mount_rw94fD/usr/bin/digikam: error while loading
>>>>             shared libraries: cannot open shared
>>>>             object file: No such file or directory
>>>>             OR
>>>>             $
>>>>             '/home/user/AppImages/digiKam/digikam-5.5.0-01-x86-64.appimage'
>>>>             debug
>>>>             -- digiKam AppImage Bundle
>>>>             -- Use 'help' as CLI argument to know all available options
>>>>             Starting digiKam into GDB...
>>>>             Use 'bt' command on debugger prompt to get a crash
>>>>             backtrace.
>>>>             Use 'q' command to quit debugger session.
>>>>             /tmp/.mount_PSDEQN/AppRun: line 55: gdb: command not found

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