Digikam export slideshow as movie file?

Gilles Caulier caulier.gilles at gmail.com
Mon Mar 13 15:11:53 GMT 2017

The old tool to export image as video was obsolete and never completed.
It's not ported to Qt5.

There is a file in bugzilla about to create a new one, based on QtAV
framework (with ffmpeg codec). It's planed and not too complicated to do,
as QtAV can do the job easily. Just just to be patient...

Gilles Caulier

2017-03-13 16:03 GMT+01:00 Andrey Goreev <aegoreev at gmail.com>:

> Can anyone comment this?
> https://discuss.pixls.us/t/digikam-export-slideshow-as-movie-file/3473
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