DK 5.6.0: CLI command to import metadata

Christoph Knauer christoph.knauer at
Tue Jun 27 08:18:46 BST 2017


I'm using DK to manage my pics over many years od DK-Versions ... actually I 
need to import the metadata like tags, comments,... from the pics into the 
database because the old db was lost...  

It's no problem to import them withe gui, but it needs very long time, and I'm 
using a debian8-based NAS (OMV) and a sql-server on it (mariadb) to store the 
pics and all informations about them.

I would prefer a commandline solution to restore all metadatas into the 
database because then it could run onto the NAS without any second PC to run 
the whole dk, but I can't find anything about such a possibility to do it with 
a cli

Greetz, Christoph

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