NEF file disappeared in digikam, but still in the directory / Linux Mint / appimage 5.6.0

fotografie fotografie at
Thu Jul 27 17:56:24 BST 2017


I'm a bit confused.

I have 2 NEF-File which exist in the folder.

Looking at the folder with the file manager. I can open the file with
ufraw or any other program that can handle RAW Files.

But digikam "lost" these files. F5 did not help, a restart of digikam
did not help?! What did I do and how can I get the file back?

There is no filter active - as far as I see

View - sort pictures - name

The only thing I did not was to copy these files to another directory,
adjusted them with the help of digikam (automatic correction, local
contrast, sharpening and saved them as new version.)

In both folders the original NEF files exist, but they are not shown in
any directory.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Best regards Ulf

fotografie at

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