Face tags duplicates

Remco Viƫtor remco.vietor at wanadoo.fr
Tue Jan 17 18:03:23 GMT 2017

On mardi 17 janvier 2017 10:40:16 CET Andrey Goreev wrote:
> I see. I guess I will write a script or an exiftool command to find files
> with such duplicates and assign a tag to them and then I will go through
> all of them and manually delete the duplicated regions.
That is of course possible, but from what Gilles wrote, for Digikam those tags 
exist only _once_, but are just stored in several ways to accomodate other 
programs that only look at one particular type of metadata or tag.
Removing versions of those tags can mean that other programs you use won't see 
that tag anymore. And all you win is a few 10s of bytes on the file length.

And why do you care so much about what exactly is stored in the metadata as 
long as everything works as expected? A basic engineering principle is "if it 
isn't broken, don't fix it". 

But, if you want to go that way, exiftool allows you to remove unwanted tags, 
so once your script identifies a file with duplicate tags, it can also remove 
them. But any such operation is completely at your own risk.


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