Help me import edited 'versions' of images from Picasa
Gilles Caulier
caulier.gilles at
Fri Feb 10 21:42:39 GMT 2017
yes i think it's fine.
Gilles Caulier
2017-02-10 1:25 GMT+01:00 g0rak 1 <g0rak01 at>:
> Hey Gilles,
> Thank you for replying. I checked out the namespace link but it didn't
> give any info on what are the acceptable names for the filters. For the
> source code however I could at least what the other filter categories are,
> such as 'doucmentedHistory.
> Based on this, can I just make up my own filter name, and provide no
> parameters?
> E.g. below I have made a filter named 'picasa:Picasa', display name
> 'Edited by Picasa', filter version '1', with a category 'documentedHistory'.
> <?xml version="1.0"?>.
> <history version="1">.
> <file uuid="4d13dbbff40ae5501c42e6314b8b8f52" type="original">.
> <fileParams fileName="20170103_094034.jpg"
> filePath="/Users/simon/Photos/2016/Holiday/" fileHash="
> 8838978dccc24c1763b6996fe94bb019" fileSize="4401586"
> creationDate="2017-01-03T09:40:34"/>.
> </file>.
> <filter filterName="picasa:Picasa" filterDisplayName="Edited by Picasa"
> filterVersion="1" filterCategory="documentedHistory">.
> <params>.
> </params>.
> </filter>.
> </history>.
> If you think it is acceptable to make up filter names, then I will be
> happy to give this a try.
> Kind regards,
> Simon
> On 7 February 2017 at 05:09, Gilles Caulier <caulier.gilles at>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The versionning is stored in XMP digiKam namespace :
>> Look ImageHistory tag.
>> In source code, the method which export history to XML data is this one :
>> /dimagehistory.cpp#n491
>> An example of exported history is given below (with resize tool used) :
>> $ exiv2 -px DSC03712_1.JPG
>> Xmp.tiff.Software XmpText 13 digiKam-4.2.0
>> Xmp.tiff.ImageWidth XmpText 3 800
>> Xmp.tiff.ImageLength XmpText 3 533
>> Xmp.xmp.CreatorTool XmpText 13 digiKam-4.2.0
>> Xmp.exif.PixelXDimension XmpText 3 800
>> Xmp.exif.PixelYDimension XmpText 3 533
>> Xmp.digiKam.ImageHistory XmpText 1647 <?xml
>> version="1.0"?>
>> <history version="1">
>> <file uuid="e854d7e092d41bc00c1e537af3e7296dafe85809797bbf3f3ff93a48b8d07a5d"
>> type="original">
>> <fileParams filePath="/" fileHash="afe85809797bbf3f3ff93a48b8d07a5d"
>> fileSize="12812288" creationDate="2014-07-13T14:52:45"/>
>> </file>
>> <filter filterName="digikam:LocalContrastFilter"
>> filterDisplayName="Local Contrast Filter" filterVersion="2"
>> filterCategory="reproducible">
>> <params>
>> <param name="functionId" value="0"/>
>> <param name="highSaturation" value="100"/>
>> <param name="lowSaturation" value="100"/>
>> <param name="randomSeed" value="2940933007"/>
>> <param name="stage[0]:blur" value="11"/>
>> <param name="stage[0]:enabled" value="true"/>
>> <param name="stage[0]:power" value="30"/>
>> <param name="stage[1]:enabled" value="false"/>
>> <param name="stage[2]:enabled" value="false"/>
>> <param name="stage[3]:enabled" value="false"/>
>> <param name="stretchContrast" value="true"/>
>> </params>
>> </filter>
>> <file uuid="9265806dd2ed9a362fdd2d9d83da1d3cafe85809797bbf3f3ff93a
>> 48b8d07a5d">
>> <fileParams fileName="DSC03712.JPG" filePath="/Users/gilles/Pictures/Photos/SALAGOU/2014-07-13/"
>> fileHash="fdb610f5d23b875e575d7fb3d32df0b1" fileSize="4562194"/>
>> </file>
>> <filter filterName="transform:resize" filterDisplayName="Resize"
>> filterVersion="1" filterCategory="reproducible" branch="true">
>> <params>
>> <param name="height" value="533"/>
>> <param name="width" value="800"/>
>> </params>
>> </filter>
>> </history>
>> Xmp.digiKam.ImageUniqueID XmpText 64
>> a50d3eaae1bc5da03c0c7d159bb30649fdb610f5d23b875e575d7fb3d32df0b1
>> Gilles Caulier
>> 2017-02-06 10:29 GMT+01:00 g0rak 1 <g0rak01 at>:
>>> Hey all,
>>> I'm new to Digikam and looking to move from Picasa. I've been impressed
>>> by Digikam's non-destructive versioning and want to use it to retain my
>>> Picasa edits by:
>>> - exporting all edited photos from Picasa
>>> - adding '_v1' to their filenames
>>> - adding Digikam's versioning XML to 'ImageHistory' field in the XMP tag
>>> of each edited image
>>> Digikam should then link the edited version with the original, and then
>>> hide the original in the thumbnail browser as the original 'version'.
>>> Does anyone know where I can find the specification for Digikam's
>>> versioning XML, so I can work out how to write my own XML into the images?
>>> I can see the basic structure after performing a resize etc., but ideally I
>>> want to keep things simple and record each edited version as 'Edited by
>>> Picasa' without having to work out what the edit actually was.
>>> I'm not sure if it's possible to define a generic 'version' in the XML
>>> without specifying a 'filter' and 'parameters' (e.g. a resize with
>>> coordinates, etc.), but would like to find out.
>>> If I can get this to work I will happily share my script with the
>>> community as there might be others looking to move from Picasa who would
>>> like to maintain their edits alongside their originals.
>>> Thanks for your help,
>>> Simon
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