export to remote storage not shown in menu (digikam appimage 5.6.0)

Hella Breitkopf hella.breitkopf at gmail.com
Sat Apr 29 16:34:38 BST 2017


Using digikam appimage 5.6.0  I now miss in the menu "Export > Export
to remote storage".
The "Remote Storage" plugin is selected in the "Main Interface Plugin Settings".

I did use this very very often in previous versions ... (so please don't kill
it, workarounds would be awful to handle if one works with loads of images).

Maybe I did miss a new way to save images to
1) other parts of the local file system
2) sftp them
3) webdav storage
If there is such new way to do this, please enlighten me.

Best wishes,

hella.breitkopf at gmail.com

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