Are there any more website blockers?

Mica Semrick mica at
Fri Apr 28 17:14:41 BST 2017

We have not synced master with dev yet. It should be very trivial since dev is only ahead of master; they have not diverged.


On April 28, 2017 8:26:20 AM PDT, Pat David <patdavid at> wrote:
>To be clear, this is to have the git:master branch push to
>Have we synced master w/ staging yet?
>On Fri, Apr 28, 2017 at 2:04 AM Gilles Caulier
><caulier.gilles at>
>> Hi,
>> No objection from me....
>> Gilles
>> 2017-04-28 8:37 GMT+02:00 <mica at>:
>>> Greetings,
>>> I've cleaned up the last few things, and while there are still items
>>> the file in the root of the git repo, I don't feel that any
>>> those items should keep the new website from going live.
>>> I've recently added news comments and written a post announcing the
>>> site.
>>> If nobody has any objections, I'd like to request that the new
>website go
>>> live on
>>> Best,
>>> Mica
>> --
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