Leave time gap between images when batch adjusting date & time

Manuel Bock mbs at mbsnet.de
Thu Apr 27 18:26:07 BST 2017

Hi Yan,

if you scanned the images in the right order, they probably already have a time stamp that is adequate for your ordering needs? If so, just do not **set** the time stamp to the required date, but correct the time stamp by subtracting the required amount of years, months, days, hours .... The dialog helps by showing the resulting new time aside of the images.

Hope, that helps

> Am 23.04.2017 um 17:18 schrieb yan at riseup.net:
> Hi,
> is there a way to leave a time gap between images adjusting multiple
> images' date and time? I have scanned many old pictures that don't have
> any metadata and I would like to set their date afterwards. I don't need
> the time to be exact, but I want them to be, let's say, 5 minutes off
> from each other so that the sort order is maintained. Is there a way to
> achieve that?
> Thanks
> yan

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