digikam and support of postgresql database

Mica Semrick mica at silentumbrella.com
Fri Apr 14 17:04:37 BST 2017

There is already mysql support. I'd prefer posgres to mysql/mariadb any day, but the option to have a database that can handle a huge collection is already included.


On April 14, 2017 8:11:34 AM PDT, philolilou <philolilou at free.fr> wrote:
>i use often Digikam, and i thought having a support of postgresql would
>be great.
>Postgresql is a great database, highly flexible, powerful and with 
>plugins like postgis (real spatial plugin), with possibility to use 
>triggers on events, personnalized data structures, and much more.
>The possibilities are bigger than using a simple database like sqlite, 
>and i think it could help much for improve Digikam.
>As example, the postgis plugin could help to create a function of 
>research pictures taken within a determined range, based on gps
>Another example could be in a networked environnement, pictures could
>stored on a computer, but database could be accessed from another pc by
>another user who work with the first one by using digikam
>Including support of Postgresql could improve functionnalities of
>This could help too to make it more popular, and more accessible.
>Thanks for reading.
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