Digikam 5.3.0-01 database migration: Out of Range value for column 'fileSize'

Gilles Caulier caulier.gilles at gmail.com
Tue Nov 15 06:32:19 GMT 2016

What do you change exactly in table ? Which video file size do you have to
have this kind of overrun ?

Gilles caulier

Le lun. 14 nov. 2016 à 22:23, Brian J Hoskins <brian at hoskins.eu> a écrit :

> I solved the problem below by changing the variable type for 'fileSize' in
> the images table to BigInt.  But then it got to 99% and complained about a
> file *name* of some description.  It would be useful if the migration
> tool offered the name of the offending file in the error dialogue.
> On 14/11/16 20:37, Brian J Hoskins wrote:
> Hello digiKam users.
> I am trying out version 5.3 of digiKam for the first time, using the
> Application Bundle.  Previously I have used version 4.12 and I have an
> existing SQLite database.
> When trying to migrate the database I get to around 30% completion when
> the following error is reported:
> "Error while converting the database.
> Details: Out of range value for column 'fileSize' at row 1"
> I have quite a few video files in the database, and I wonder if one of
> these is larger than the database was expecting.
> Unfortunately the migration tool gives up at this point, so I am not
> able to get more information about the problem or even skip and continue.
> Does anyone have useful advice to offer here?
> Many thanks,
> Brian.
> --
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