problem with legend

Gilles Caulier caulier.gilles at
Thu Nov 3 11:05:01 GMT 2016

- EXIF (ASCII only (?), limited lenght)
==> Ascii => yes and not. A big mess...

- ICMP (8-bit chars, limited length)

==> IPTC.

- XMP (utf-8, in theory unlimited length).

==> unlimited, but take a care if you backport XMP to Iptc or Exif. Also,
for JPEG, image container use segment of 64 kb only. If you set a huge data
in segment, you will corrupt the file. Exiv2 0.25 do not manage well the
Adobe extension about concatenation of JPEG segments. Also it'm not sure if
other application manage it very well (after all it's an Adobe mechanism)

Gilles Caulier

2016-11-03 11:56 GMT+01:00 Remco Viëtor <remco.vietor at>:

> On mercredi 2 novembre 2016 19:09:47 CET Frédéric Chaume wrote:
> > Hi all
> >
> > I'm a new comer on digikam , previously using Picasa , but as I migrated
> > to Linux and Picasa has been roll out, I searched for another powerfull
> > tools including people identification and geotaging.
> > So I installed digikam 5.2.0 and imported my pictures. Great !
> >
> > One problem I have is about legend or caption.
> > fot the pictures updated with a comment outside digikam, noi porblem, I
> > can see the legend in the thumbnails
> > but when I want to add another one from Digikam, It doesn't work. I
> > tried different field (caption, title,...) from metadata edition tools
> > but nothing happened, when I look at the thumbnail view, the comment is
> > not visible. And at the end when I edit the metadata again, the comment
> > I've made has disappeared
> > I'm sure I missed something, but what ?
> >
> > thanks in advance for your help
> Have you tried adding caption and title through the fields in the right
> column, "captions" tab (and _not_ the metadata tab).
> There are at least 3 places in the metadata where a comment can be stored,
> and
> they all have different requirements:
> - EXIF (ASCII only (?), limited lenght)
> - ICMP (8-bit chars, limited length)
> - XMP (utf-8, in theory unlimited length).
> I prefer letting Digikam figure out where to store my titles and captions,
> and
> to use the simplest possible interface. The "captions" tab provides that:
> you can enter  comment/caption, title, rating, color flags, tags/keywords
> without worrying how and where it will be stored in the database or files.
> If you want to use titles and captions from outside Digikam, writing those
> to
> the image or sidecar files might be useful. See under "settings ->
> configure
> digikam", "Metadata" tab. Do be careful _not_ to select the option "If
> possible, write Metadata to RAW files (Experimental)".
> Even if it were not marked as experimental, that's just a very bad idea
> (imho): any error in writing metadata to the RAW file can make the file
> unusable, and as the RAW file is the original data...
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