Linux Mint install

Erick Moreno erickmoreno at
Tue Dec 20 00:33:32 GMT 2016

Hi Chuck!

This message usually means that you are triyng to run an app compiled to
the wrong architecture.

Are you sure you are running a x86-64 SO? Can you show us the result of
'uname -a' command?

The eclipse 32 bits installer was a clue to me.


On Mon, Dec 19, 2016 at 10:25 PM, Chuck Pergiel <c.pergiel at> wrote:

> Just tried 5.4 with the same result.
> Chuck Pergiel
> Silicon Forest
> Sent from my Commodore-64 via a US Robotics 300 Baud Modem
> On Mon, Dec 19, 2016 at 3:08 PM, Chuck Pergiel <c.pergiel at>
> wrote:
>> Downloaded the AppImage and tried to run it (double click the file name
>> in the Downloads folder) and nothing happens.
>> Open a terminal window and try to run it and I get this:
>> bogwan at bogwan-Z87N-WIFI ~/Downloads $ ls
>> digikam-5.3.0-01-x86-64.appimage  eclipse-inst-linux64.tar.gz  Other
>> stories  pinta-1.6.tar.gz
>> eclipse-inst-linux32.tar.gz       go1.6.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz   pinta-1.6
>> bogwan at bogwan-Z87N-WIFI ~/Downloads $ ./digikam-5.3.0-01-x86-64.appimage
>> bash: ./digikam-5.3.0-01-x86-64.appimage: cannot execute binary file:
>> Exec format error
>> Chuck Pergiel
>> Silicon Forest
>> Sent from my Commodore-64 via a US Robotics 300 Baud Modem
>> P.S. My Linux box died a month ago and I only just got it running again.
>> I think it was the power supply. How can that be? Power supplies never
>> fail, do they?
>> On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 8:25 AM, Mick Sulley <mick at> wrote:
>>> I run DigiKam on Mint 18.  The standard install gets you version 4, you
>>> can also use PPA philip5/extra to get up to version 5, but as Gilles said
>>> you can just download the AppImage bundle, make it executable and double
>>> click.  It just works like magic!  I expected to have problems getting it
>>> to work but no, it just works.  Plus all the dependencies are included
>>> there as well so it really is easy.
>>> Cheers
>>> Mick
>>> On 08/11/16 12:35, Gilles Caulier wrote:
>>> No idea. Use last DK 5.3.0 AppImage bundle for Linux instead...
>>> Gilles Caulier
>>> 2016-11-08 13:03 GMT+01:00 Chuck Pergiel <c.pergiel at>:
>>>> Used:
>>>> sudo  apt-get install digikam
>>>> to install digikam on Linux Mint 17.3 Rosa. Started the program and
>>>> walked through the initial setup, and then nothing.
>>>> Start the program again and it pops up the initial splash and then
>>>> vanishes.
>>>> Chuck Pergiel
>>>> Silicon Forest
>>>> Sent from my Commodore-64 via a US Robotics 300 Baud Modem

*Erick Moreno* <>
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