[Digikam-users] Problems with compiled Digikam: can't create io-slaves

Jenner Fusari jenner at neurotix.com
Thu Oct 15 15:11:37 BST 2015

Thank you Gilles, I fixed my Digikam!
Thank to your magic keyword ("KIOSlaves") I could find an old discussion
where is said that Digikam should be in the same KDE path (probed with
kde4-config --prefix ).

How I fixed it: I went in the directory where I have compiled Digikam; I
removed CMakeCache.txt and issued the command:
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix`
After that I rebuilt the .deb package using checkinstall and all went well! :)

I wasn't aware of KIOSlaves issues (I did the wrong searches... I searched a
lot before posting) cause I focalize on compiling problems. Also I'm not a
KDE user (my KDE experience starts and ends with Digikam) so it'a a pretty
obscure environment for me.

Thank again Gilles. :D


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