[Digikam-users] Mysql/MariaDb database expert needs...

Gilles Caulier caulier.gilles at gmail.com
Wed Nov 18 14:33:58 GMT 2015

The proof about common mysql server database init :

[root at localhost lib]# mysql
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 15
Server version: 10.0.22-MariaDB Mageia MariaDB Server

Copyright (c) 2000, 2015, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input

MariaDB [(none)]> show databases;
| Database           |
| digikamdb          |
| information_schema |
| mysql              |
| performance_schema |
| test               |
5 rows in set (0.01 sec)

MariaDB [(none)]> use digikamdb;
Database changed
MariaDB [digikamdb]> show tables;
| Tables_in_digikamdb  |
| AlbumRoots           |
| Albums               |
| CustomIdentifiers    |
| DownloadHistory      |
| FilePaths            |
| Identities           |
| IdentityAttributes   |
| ImageComments        |
| ImageCopyright       |
| ImageHaarMatrix      |
| ImageHistory         |
| ImageInformation     |
| ImageMetadata        |
| ImagePositions       |
| ImageProperties      |
| ImageRelations       |
| ImageTagProperties   |
| ImageTags            |
| Images               |
| OpenCVLBPHRecognizer |
| OpenCVLBPHistograms  |
| Searches             |
| Settings             |
| TagProperties        |
| Tags                 |
| TagsTree             |
| Thumbnails           |
| UniqueHashes         |
| VideoMetadata        |
29 rows in set (0.01 sec)

Gilles Caulier

2015-11-18 15:32 GMT+01:00 Gilles Caulier <caulier.gilles at gmail.com>:

> For the moment no. It's always easy to drop code against to write code.
> As i explore and fix code, i can expect to find a solution for internal
> server. I will see later to drop or not.
> Note : with this commit :
> http://commits.kde.org/digikam/74742b93f227ff4413e10cf3c8f895d452c10858
> We are able to setup a mysql server to host Core, Thumbs, and Face
> database in both case :
> - Separated DB
> - Common DB
> The case of internal server will inherit of this fix. Without it, i'm sure
> that it cannot work properly.
> So for internal server, we need to found why index procedure is
> problematic. As i can see the server is initialized by a mysql-global.conf
> config text file. I'm sure that some settings need to be adjusted here, but
> which one exactly, i don't know....
> Gilles Caulier
> 2015-11-18 15:23 GMT+01:00 Henrique Santos Fernandes <sf.rique at gmail.com>:
>> I thought support for interval database had been  dropped!
>> My bad
>> Em qua, 18 de nov de 2015 12:19, Gilles Caulier <caulier.gilles at gmail.com>
>> escreveu:
>>> Certainly, but this will not solve the problem with internal server
>>> solution, because in this case there is no way to tune table creation from
>>> mysql prompt... All is done in background by digiKam database server (i
>>> don't yet investigate in this code).
>>> Gilles
>>> 2015-11-18 14:56 GMT+01:00 Henrique Santos Fernandes <sf.rique at gmail.com
>>> >:
>>>> Em qua, 18 de nov de 2015 às 11:46, Gilles Caulier <
>>>> caulier.gilles at gmail.com> escreveu:
>>>>> 2015-11-18 14:33 GMT+01:00 Henrique Santos Fernandes <
>>>>> sf.rique at gmail.com>:
>>>>>> I dont understando that much but i have 2 questions.
>>>>>> Why dont create the index normaly instead of using this if exist
>>>>>> procedure?
>>>>> I don't know. I don't write the SQL code for MySQL. This have been
>>>>> done by an old contributor, few years ago...
>>>>> If you look into this procedure code, it's sound complicated. I don't
>>>>> know why ?
>>>>> CREATE PROCEDURE create_index_if_not_exists(table_name_vc varchar(50),
>>>>> index_name_vc varchar(50), field_list_vc varchar(1024))
>>>>>                     BEGIN
>>>>>                     set @Index_cnt = (
>>>>>                         SELECT COUNT(1) cnt
>>>>>                         FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.STATISTICS
>>>>>                         WHERE CONVERT(DATABASE() USING latin1) =
>>>>>                         AND CONVERT(table_name USING latin1) =
>>>>> CONVERT(table_name_vc USING latin1)
>>>>>                         AND CONVERT(index_name USING latin1) =
>>>>> CONVERT(index_name_vc USING latin1)
>>>>>                     );
>>>>>                     IF IFNULL(@Index_cnt, 0) = 0 THEN
>>>>>                         set @index_sql = CONCAT(
>>>>>                             CONVERT( 'ALTER TABLE ' USING latin1),
>>>>>                             CONVERT( table_name_vc USING latin1),
>>>>>                             CONVERT( ' ADD INDEX ' USING latin1),
>>>>>                             CONVERT( index_name_vc USING latin1),
>>>>>                             CONVERT( '(' USING latin1),
>>>>>                             CONVERT( field_list_vc USING latin1),
>>>>>                             CONVERT( ');' USING latin1)
>>>>>                         );
>>>>>                         PREPARE stmt FROM @index_sql;
>>>>>                         EXECUTE stmt;
>>>>>                         DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt;
>>>>>                     END IF;
>>>>>                     END;
>>>>> Calls of this procedure is done like this (for thumbnails DB for ex) :
>>>>> CALL
>>>>> create_index_if_not_exists('UniqueHashes','id_uniqueHashes','thumbId');
>>>>> CALL create_index_if_not_exists('FilePaths','id_filePaths','thumbId');
>>>>> CALL
>>>>> create_index_if_not_exists('CustomIdentifiers','id_customIdentifiers','thumbId');
>>>>> Why this complexity with this procedure. No idea...
>>>>>> If the procedure is really needed, you need to create it with digikam
>>>>>> user?
>>>>> it's already the case with current code.
>>>>>> You should be able to create the procedure when seting up the
>>>>>> databases, grant privilges and stuff. right?
>>>>> So user digikam dont need to create the procedure right? the
>>>>>> root/admin could do this..
>>>>> That i can see on Internet, procedure and function need Mysql grant
>>>>> priviledges to be executed, not created... But i'm not an expert...
>>>> Can you try the explained ins thsi link and see if you have permissiosn?
>>>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10089308/mysql-stored-procedure-permissions
>>>> I guess it would be somethng like this:
>>>> GRANT EXECUTE ON PROCEDURE digikamthumbsdb.create_index_if_not_exists TO 'digikam'@'localhost';
>>>> Read the comments, because the user said it needed to add something in
>>>> this query!
>>>> You may add to all procedures as well..
>>>> http://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/20221/mysql-user-permission-on-stored-procedure
>>>> Hope this help!
>>>>> Gilles Caulier
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