[Digikam-users] TMPDIR issues

Gerhard Hoogterp gerhard at frappe.xs4all.nl
Thu Jan 22 21:55:39 GMT 2015

On Thursday, January 22, 2015 10:49:51 PM Veaceslav Munteanu wrote:
> >> Where my /tmp is normaly more than adequate, for some (stitching
> >> panorama's) it's simply to small. As I have partitions with more than
> >> enough space I'm hoping I overlooked a photoshop or GIMP option to set
> >> an TMP and/or swap path from within digikam.
> the easiest way is to create a large partition and mount that partition as
> /tmp

That's the easy way when you install a new machine where the disks still have 
to be partitioned and all options are still open.. 

On an old and fully used machine like mine I'm afraid that Gilles's solution 
is the only solution. Create a tmp dir somewhere where there's space and 
softlink it to /tmp..  

I do hope one day for a setting for this, maybe I better check the bugtracker 
if there are points to give for such a feature..;-)


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