[Digikam-users] Working with CIELab TIFFs?

torsten.crass at eBiology.de torsten.crass at eBiology.de
Thu May 15 20:59:17 BST 2014

Hi everyone,

just tried to open a TIFF which is in CIELab in DigiKam, but I got an 
error message

"digikam(30199)/digikam (core) Digikam::TIFFLoader::load: Can not handle 
image without RGB color-space:  8"

I wonder in how far digikam is Lab-capable at all? I mean, I can choose 
a generic Lab identity profile as working color space, but after opening 
an image and converting it to Lab, I haven't seen any UI elements which 
would look like Lab controls rather than RGB. So it seems that with Lab 
being defined as working color space, digikam still converts images to 
some RGB-based color space prior to letting the user apply any 
operation, right?

Confused --


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