[Digikam-users] Tags and everything related to them

Veaceslav Munteanu veaceslav.munteanu90 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 23 18:06:11 BST 2014


I'm once again fighting with tags and this battle seem to have no ending.

I figured out that digiKam once again read data from 5 different
namespaces(IPTC, Xmp digikam, Xmp Microsoft, Xmp lightroom) and only
modify it to IPTC and own XMP namespace.

This is bad because:
If you wipe -> trigger write and then read -> all deleted tags are back.

Some users said that namespaces that are not from digiKam should not be touched.
Well this is impossible, you either:

1. grant digiKam to delete and modify all namespaces that it can read
2. remove the ability to read from that protected namespace

Any other combination result in total mess on read/write.

I'm waiting for suggestions about do you prefer the most: 1 or 2


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