[Digikam-users] Select/unselect a bit too small

Marie-Noëlle Augendre mnaugendre at gmail.com
Sun Nov 24 18:34:02 GMT 2013

OK, I see. You mean dragging the mouse in order to select everything that
is in the rectangle.
Unfortunately, that doesn't work for me as I've not many adjacent pictures
that will have the same tag: for one, the landscape will be proeminent,
next one it'll be the village, another the people... There are not so many
'doublons' left as I've already made a first selection and only kept the
best one or two pictures of a serie.


2013/11/24 jdd <jdd at dodin.org>

> Le 24/11/2013 19:19, Marie-Noëlle Augendre a écrit :
>  What do you mean by 'a window'? Do you launch another instance of
>> Digikam? I don't understand how you do.
> no.
> get a finger on the ctrl key.
> clic somewhere out of a thumbnail and slip the mouse creating a rectangle
> that select all thumnails that are inside
> jdd

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