[Digikam-users] How to insert text in a picture

Martin Blank blankmrty at aol.de
Sun Jun 10 16:20:41 BST 2012

Am 10.06.2012 12:09, schrieb Jean-François Rabasse:
> On Fri, 8 Jun 2012, Martin Blank wrote:
>> Hallo everybody,
>> I can insert a text in a picture by using the watermark function. But
>> how can I define a text which insert the year of the create field in
>> exif data? How can I create a time stamp like some cameras do?
> Hello Martin,
> Could you explicit a bit more, not what you wish to do, seems clear, but
> *how* you wish to do that ?
> 1. Do you plan to do that from inside Digikam, probably using the batch
>    system ?
> 2. Do you plan to setup a command line script to do that directly in
>    your images folders ?
> If answer is 1, I personaly don't know. Probably experienced DK users
> could help you.
> If answer is 2, it's always possible to write a small shell script,
> extracting the image date with a metadata reader such as exiftool.
> In your case, something like :
>  IDATE=`exiftool -exif:datetimeoriginal <Imagefile> | awk '{print $4}'`
> will set you a shell variable with full date in format YYYY:MM:DD
> (you can tweak that with some 'sed' processing.)
> After that, the best way to write text onto an image is probably to use
> the Imagemagick convert program, inside your script.
>  convert <OriginalImage> ... label-with ${IDATE} ... <AnnotatedImage>
> Concert syntax is not always trivial, but there are dozens of examples
> you can read and adapt. See http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/annotating/

I hope it go from inside DK, e.g. select file, add them to batch queue
and execute a function like watermark. if there is not anyone who knows
a DK built-in solution, I start writing a script. But it does more work
to select files.

Btw. identify shows the image size. It could be used to scale the text

Thank you.


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