[Digikam-users] Moving files outside digikam

Ben Staude sben1783 at yahoo.de
Wed Feb 1 22:14:38 GMT 2012

Am Mittwoch 01 Februar 2012 schrieb Jean-François Rabasse:
> On 31/01/12 04:58, Ben Staude wrote:
> > > Hi all,
> > > 
> > > is it safe to move files and/or folders around within the digiKam
> > > root directory using bash, perl and the like? Do I get exactly the
> > > same entries in the database as if I moved them around from within
> > > digikam, or will there be additional "garbage" entries or duplicates
> > > in the database that wouldn't exist when using digiKam for moving
> > > files around? Will all metadata always survive such action (metadata
> > > not saved to images)?
> On Wed, 1 Feb 2012, Jim Householder wrote:
> > Hi
> > 
> > I have on many occasions used a file manager to shift files from one
> > album to another and delete files with no problems. Digikam appears to
> > scan and accommodate changes when it starts.
> Hello all,
> From my personal experience I fully agree with Jim. The only minor
> difference is that I don't "had on many occasions", but I "always" use a
> files browser (Dolphin in my case) to organise my folders, and not
> Digikam. Reason below(1)

Jean-François, thank you very much for your detailed explanation. That's 
exactly what I needed to know, but hadn't the time to find out and test by 
myself. I'd really like to see your description of what's going on somewhere 
in the DigiKam documentation or FAQ!

In addition, I fully agree with you in your definition of what an "album" is. 
There is the option to add specific extensions as image, video or audio files, 
but I'd really very much appreciate the simple option "show all files". From a 
technical point of view, this shouldn't be much of a problem.

Thank you again- 

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