[Digikam-users] burned zone in RAW file, but not in jpeg

Milan Zamazal pdm at zamazal.org
Mon Aug 13 10:50:48 BST 2012

>>>>> "PG" == Paul-Emmanuel GROFFE <pegroffe at yahoo.fr> writes:

    PG> how come that some parts of a photo is burned (no data) in a raw
    PG> file, but is ok (not burned, with data) in the jpeg file (shoot
    PG> raw+jpeg,

I've got the same problem.  I looked into the source code and it seems
that 1% of the brightest and 1% of the darkest areas get cut off when
auto brightness is selected.  This often produces ugly clipped
highlights.  Additionally the raw import tool (for reasons unknown to
me) changes white balance and messes with color spaces (if non-default
color spaces are used).  This makes the raw import tool unusable for me.

But there is a workaround (uncomfortable and slow, but producing good
output): Press cancel after the raw preview is displayed.  Then you
receive the same output as if dcraw from command line was used and
prevents all the above mentioned problems.  You just have to adjust
image brightness yourself.  Also make sure proper defaults are set in
digiKam raw import settings.

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