[Digikam-users] Re: "salvaging" something from the Digikam DB

Marie-Noëlle Augendre mnaugendre at gmail.com
Thu May 12 14:09:56 BST 2011

Thanks for the reminder :-)

I'm pretty sure I didn't change this setting since I began to use Digikam
almost 2 years ago. But, since then, I've migrated from Ubuntu to Fedora,
changed machine, upgraded OS and Digikam quite a number of times ... I might
have had lost it somewhere.

Anyway, there might be something for the developers here: how have we (as
I'm not the only one) "lost" the DBVersion number, and why isn't it possible
to recover from this problem in an easier manner.


2011/5/12 Sylvain ZUCCA <sylvainsjc at gmail.com>

> Cool don't forget to activate the option "copy the metadata to the file"
> now ;)

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