[Digikam-users] Re: "salvaging" something from the Digikam DB

Marie-Noëlle Augendre mnaugendre at gmail.com
Thu May 12 13:03:34 BST 2011

The beginning of this article is very promising!
I'll have a look before coming back to tell you how it goes.

Thanks for the link.

2011/5/12 Sylvain ZUCCA <sylvainsjc at gmail.com>

> Marie-Noëlle, perhaps this way :
> http://ymartin59.free.fr/wordpress/index.php/2011/04/29/digikam-does-not-start-do-not-drop-your-database-yet-it-may-be-fixed/
> 2011/5/12 Marie-Noëlle Augendre <mnaugendre at gmail.com>
>> No way I can try to retrieve some data from my previous digikam.db?
>> Thanks for any help.
>> Marie-Noëlle
>> 2011/5/10 Marie-Noëlle Augendre <mnaugendre at gmail.com>
>>> Last week, I got a message when launching Digikam, saying (more or less)
>>> that the DB was corrupt, and I could start afresh by putting the digikam.db
>>> file somewhere else.
>>> With the new .db file, I realized I'd lost all my taggings from the
>>> preceding 10 or 12 months ; I guess that sometimes (when I upgraded
>>> Digikam?) I should have lost the settings "copy the metadata to the file".
>>> I don't know anything about SQLite (with a MySQL DB, I would have tried
>>> to use PhpMyAdmin) ; is there anyway I can rebuild my former .db file, or
>>> try to rescue some of my old tags. I still have a backup that is a few weeks
>>> old, but I had done much tagging since then.
>>> Thanks for helping,
>>> Marie-Noëlle
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> Sylvain
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