[Digikam-users] Re: Back-ups on CD/DVD with DAR (was Re: On backing up)

Milan Knížek knizek.confy at volny.cz
Sat Mar 5 16:10:38 GMT 2011

Dr. Martin Senftleben píše v Čt 24. 02. 2011 v 20:13 +0100:
> Am 24.02.2011 18:51, schrieb Johnny:
> > What in your opinion do you achieve that cannot be done with rsync by
> > using dar in this way?
> no idea. I don't trust rsync the way I trust dar, because I always fear
> that rsync, as it syncs files, might overwrite the wrong files... I
> really haven't worked much with rsync.

I would be interested in answers to that original question, too. Here is
how I see them compare:

1) rsync gets easily over networks (dar too, but with some hassle)

2) rsync does not (cannot) compress the backup, while dar does so. (Not
much useful for images, though)

3) rsync may have troubles with some file attributes (ACL, ...) if the
target file system does not support them. Dar should be without problems

4) rsync can also do kind of incremental backup (on filesystem
supporting hard links):
http://www.mikerubel.org/computers/rsync_snapshots/ (lot of info)
http://www.gentoo-wiki.info/Simple_snapshot_style_backup (just a script)

5) restoring files from rsync'ed backup is way easier (those are just
regular files) than from dar (even though dar_manager, dargui, kdar

6) rsync would not work for backup to exchangeable media of small size.


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