[Digikam-users] Re: digikam, MacOS X, MacPorts and KDE and... carsh on stratup

Gilles Caulier caulier.gilles at gmail.com
Thu Jan 6 12:36:24 GMT 2011

I reproduce exactly the same issue testing digiKam 1.8.0 on a fresh
computer... and i found the problem...

It's alwyas marble widget which exit create an exception when world maps
data are not installed on computer.

Install marble with maps data and all will work fine.

Not : with digiKam 2.0.0, it do not crash immediately in this case, because
worldmap widget used in digiKam switch by default to googlemaps, which do
not depand of marble widget. But if you switch to local map, it crash

Gilles Caulier

2011/1/5 G <g.is at free.fr>

> Hi,
>    I'm new to MacOS X, I'm testing it to know if my future OS could be
> other than Debian... It's a fine environment, but I have my MAIN
> software to work. Digikam is THE one.
>    I've googled a few and install MacPorts, compile (12 hours...)
> digikam and all the dependancies. Fine. I've a MacPorts folder in the
> App Folder. I've a digikam.app, very nice.
>     But nothing at all when I'm lauching it... No error, no activity
> and so bad, no pictures at all.
>     Is it a known problem ? Is it duu to my non-expert relationship
> with MacOS X ?
>     Any idea welcome,
>     Thanks,
>     G.
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