[Digikam-users] Filter on RAW files doesn't work all the time

Marie-Noëlle Augendre mnaugendre at gmail.com
Sat Dec 24 07:53:49 GMT 2011

I've added information and attachments to bur 278927:
This one is very annoying: I don't know how to manage my pictures if
Digikam hides some of them, and I even don't know whether they exist or


2011/12/23 Marie-Noëlle Augendre <mnaugendre at gmail.com>

> There should be some parameter somewhere that prevents a picture/group of
> pictures to be displayed!
> No filter is active. The original CR2, and the associated TIFF and JPEG
> are definitely in the album folder I'm looking at.
> When I try to reimport the pictures, DK tells me they exist already (but
> it doesn't show them !), F5/Refresh is ineffective, thumbnails rebuilding
> doesn't work either ... what else can I do to make this group of pictures
> reappear in Digikam?
> I've checked all the settings, and didn't anything else that could be
> relevant to this problem. Is there a way to deactive - at least temporarily
> - the grouping, as it seem related to the problem: all the versions of the
> same picture are unvisible.
> Marie-Noëlle
> 2011/12/23 Marie-Noëlle Augendre <mnaugendre at gmail.com>
>> Thanks a lot, the image I edited in DK has reappeared now the option is
>> checked.
>> But the one(s) previously 'lost' are still hidden, unfortunately.
>> Marie-Noëlle

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