[Digikam-users] FINAL? UPDATE 04: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B U I L D I N G D I G I K A M F O R D U M M I E S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! on Ubuntu

sleepless sleeplessregulus at hetnet.nl
Thu Aug 25 08:22:29 BST 2011

  Building digiKam for dummies on Ubuntu, updated according
the latest, input, feedback and knowledge about the current
process per august 24, 2011

It could not have been without the input from Dan McDaniel,
Gilles Caulier, Philip Johnsson, Gert kello, Michael G Hansen
and others.

  Folowing this guidlines I was able to build flawless on two
completely different computers.
  Since I can, you can probably too. Needed: At least one half
of a day, certainly if it is your first try, and might take
even longer at a slow computer. A fair amount of persistence
is needed too. However if nothing went wrong the whole
process might be completed within an hour.

  If someone detects an error in the description, please let
me know asap!

  Good luck!


  Probably it is a good practice to deinstall former digikam

If you want latest digikam from git goto ¨START DOWNLOADING
FROM GIT¨ else start here.

  Here is your tarball (compressed archive of source code
from the latest official released version)

  If it´s downloaded, extract it your user dir (somthing like

  Open a terminal window and go to the place where the software
has been extracted. (let´s assume it has been extracted to
  If you type pwd at the prompt, you will see where you are,
probably in home/my_user_dir
  type cd digikam-software-compilation

NOTA BENE: Go from here to the start building section

  From git you get the latest source code currently worked on
by the programmers. Although you have latest updates and
bugfixes, you may also have a newly introduced bug, in fact
it is for testing purposes, not officially released yet.

  If git is not already installed, install git:
install from synaptec or:
open console
sudo apt-get install git

  To get the source code on your computer:
cd ~ : to go to your home dir
¨git clone git://anongit.kde.org/digikam-software-compilation

  Now you have a directory digikam-software-compilation
go there
cd digikam-software-compilation

  if you type:
  you will see in this dir a document called ¨download-repos¨,
this is a runnable PERL script.

  If perl not already is installed, install it from synaptec
or command line.

  Now type:
perl download-repos
  Now the git is cloned to your local dir:

wait while downloading

Go from here to start building section

If you later want to update your build of digikam with the
latest updates you can use:
perl gits pull
Your local dir is compared to the original and accordingly


  now make a directory to put your build files in
type mkdir build
go there by typing:
cd build

  if you do pwd (present working directory)
you see somthing like

  Make sure the(pre)compiler is installed named ¨gcc¨ and
¨cpp¨ the same for ¨make¨ and ¨cmake¨. You can install it
from package manager like synaptec or from command line.

  If cmake is not installed, now type:
sudo apt-get install cmake
  Now let cmake do it´s work
`kde4-config --prefix` ..
(mind the ¨space dot dot¨ at the end) and make sure NOT to
use ¨sudo¨ in front of ¨cmake¨.

  Most likely it will complain about missing stuff. like
libkexiv2-dev, libkipi-dev, libkdcraw-dev, etc.
Try to install it from synaptic or in any other way and
retry cmake untill succesful.

  If all went successful
now run:

  if done run:
sudo make install

  START New Input, from Michael G. Hansen to be put nicely in place 
later on.

 >  Most likely it will complain about missing stuff. like
 > libkexiv2-dev, libkipi-dev, libkdcraw-dev, etc.
 > Try to install it from synaptic or in any other way and
 > retry cmake untill succesful.

You can do a "sudo apt-get build-dep digikam kipi-plugins" to get some 
of the dependencies installed in one step. This will install all the 
dependencies for building the version of digikam and kipi-plugins which 
is in the ubuntu repository, that's why some packages may still have to 
be installed for newer versions, but it should give you a good starting 

 > If all went successful
 > now run:
 > make

If you have a dual-core computer, you can run "make -j 2" to have "make" 
use two processes at once to speed things up and take full advantage of 
your multi-core system. If you have more cores, simply change "2" to the 
number of cores. I normally use a number twice as high as the number of 
cores, to account for delay due to disk access. Note that if you 
encounter a build failure, error messages may be out-of-order on the 
screen, re-run "make" without "-j" to get well-readable output of the 
error messages.

 >  if done run:
 > sudo make install

To un-install, run: "sudo make uninstall"

To make un-installation easier, especially if you delete the build 
directory in between, use checkinstall (sudo apt-get install checkinstall):

sudo checkinstall --pkgname=my-digkam make install

This will create a .deb package containing your self-built digikam, 
which you can uninstall using "sudo apt-get remove my-digikam". Another 
advantage is that you can keep several versions of compiled digikam in 
packages, in case you encounter a problem with a newer build.

Best regards,

  END New Input, from Michael G. Hansen to be put nicely in place later on.

Useful links:
For fedora users

Marie-Noëlle augendre´s wiki


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