[Digikam-users] FINAL? UPDATE: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B U I L D I N G D I G I K A M F O R D U M M I E S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! on Ubuntu

sleepless sleeplessregulus at hetnet.nl
Wed Aug 24 16:29:56 BST 2011

If the directory doc exists and is not empty you should check if you 
have permission. maybe it has become root only in the former sudo cmake.

on Ubuntu I should do from console ¨sudo nautilus¨ goto properties and 
change permission if needed.
Op 24-08-11 17:14, Marie-Noëlle Augendre schreef:
> 2011/8/24 sleepless<sleeplessregulus at hetnet.nl>:
>>> I am in /home/marie-noelle/digikam-software-compilation, as a regular
>>> user (not root) and I'm trying to run this command:
>>> cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debugfull -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config
>>> --prefix` ..
>> no, do as dan said, mkdir build and go there cd build and rerun cmake from
>> there
>>> Is it right?
> The message remains the same when I am in build!
> Marie-Noëlle

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