[Digikam-users] Digikam 2.0 runs only once before corrupting the DB

Marie-Noëlle Augendre mnaugendre at gmail.com
Tue Aug 23 10:30:41 BST 2011

2011/8/23 sleepless <sleeplessregulus at hetnet.nl>

> **
> Op 23-08-11 11:04, Marie-Noëlle Augendre schreef:
> I can confirm that. I am still in the process. Mainly because I ran into
> trouble with updating stuff from synaptec. I did it successful a couple of
> times before, never sure if I can be of any help, but don´t hesitate to ask.
> Rinus
> Thanks. Actually, I'm following the procedure you wrote a while ago
and translating it for Fedora at the same time.


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