[Digikam-users] Strange blue tint in digikam-processed photo depends on what program you use to look at it ?

Rainer Krienke krienke at uni-koblenz.de
Mon May 31 08:10:17 BST 2010


I have a strange problem with a photo thats already some years old and I 
thought everything was fine, up to now. It was taken with a Nikon D80 as jpg 
(not RAW) and later I processed it using digikam. 
I never activated littel CMS in digikam and never convert my photos from sRGB 
to anything else. I am not doinf any color correction in any of my systems 
components at least not to my knowledge. So sRGB should be used everywhere.

The photo: 


looks normal when I look at it in digikam, and in eg gwenview. But today I 
uploaded this photo to a webgallery service (zenfolio.com) and there in the 
gallery it had a strong blue tint. 

Next I looked at it using bibble5 on my desktop and this also shows a blue 
tint for this photo. Last but not least I activated little CMS in digikam and 
set sRGB as my working profile (which is exactly the same the photo is in) and 
again looked at it in digikam. And now it also has this blue tint. If I 
deactivate little CMS the photo is shown normal again. 

Now what do not understand why a photo that is in sRGB can look different in 
digikam with CMS deactivated and activated but set to sRGB and why this photo 
can have a blue tint in the gallery or bibble but not when looking at it using 
gwenview when all agree that this photo is using sRGB.

I am really lost in (color)space. Any idea?

Thanks in advance
Rainer Krienke, Uni Koblenz, Rechenzentrum, A22, Universitaetsstrasse  1
56070 Koblenz, http://www.uni-koblenz.de/~krienke, Tel: +49261287 1312
PGP: http://www.uni-koblenz.de/~krienke/mypgp.html,Fax: +49261287 1001312
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