[Digikam-users] Re: Help! Installation of new exiv2 2.0??

Hevï Guy heviiguy at gmail.com
Mon Dec 20 12:46:54 GMT 2010

Well, I decided to blast through on my own. I didn't "patch" anything
but rather simply cut and pasted the next line from the instructions :

# wget
-O ../libkexiv2cmake.diff

I then got as far as halfway through the digiKam build exercise. Seems
like I hit a brick wall because I was told "-- Configuring incomplete,
errors occurred!"

It seems this is because apparently I don't have libkipi, libkexiv2 nor
libkdcraw  installed. Huh?? I followed the instructions precisely up to
this point (a point for those who'd like to know exactly what I did, the
instructions via the above link will be a guidleine). Shouldn't these
libraries therefore be installed? Are the instructions lacking?

Can somebody please pull me out of the quagmire?

Here are the details...

heviiguy at hevii-NtBk-2:~/trunk/digikam/build$ cmake
-- The C compiler identification is GNU
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/gcc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/gcc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Looking for Q_WS_X11
-- Looking for Q_WS_X11 - found
-- Looking for Q_WS_WIN
-- Looking for Q_WS_WIN - not found.
-- Looking for Q_WS_QWS
-- Looking for Q_WS_QWS - not found.
-- Looking for Q_WS_MAC
-- Looking for Q_WS_MAC - not found.
-- Found Qt-Version 4.7.0 (using /usr/bin/qmake)
-- Looking for XOpenDisplay
in /usr/lib/libX11.so;/usr/lib/libXext.so;/usr/lib/libXft.so;/usr/lib/libXau.so;/usr/lib/libXdmcp.so
-- Looking for XOpenDisplay
in /usr/lib/libX11.so;/usr/lib/libXext.so;/usr/lib/libXft.so;/usr/lib/libXau.so;/usr/lib/libXdmcp.so - found
-- Looking for gethostbyname
-- Looking for gethostbyname - found
-- Looking for connect
-- Looking for connect - found
-- Looking for remove
-- Looking for remove - found
-- Looking for shmat
-- Looking for shmat - found
-- Looking for IceConnectionNumber in ICE
-- Looking for IceConnectionNumber in ICE - found
-- Found X11: /usr/lib/libX11.so
-- Looking for include files CMAKE_HAVE_PTHREAD_H
-- Looking for include files CMAKE_HAVE_PTHREAD_H - found
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthreads
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthreads - not found
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthread
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthread - found
-- Found Threads: TRUE 
-- Looking for _POSIX_TIMERS
-- Looking for _POSIX_TIMERS - found
-- Found Automoc4: /usr/bin/automoc4 
-- Found Perl: /usr/bin/perl 
-- Found Phonon: /usr/include  (found version "4.4.2", required is
-- Performing Test _OFFT_IS_64BIT
-- Performing Test _OFFT_IS_64BIT - Failed
-- Performing Test HAVE_FPIE_SUPPORT
-- Performing Test HAVE_FPIE_SUPPORT - Success
-- Performing Test __KDE_HAVE_W_OVERLOADED_VIRTUAL - Success
-- Performing Test __KDE_HAVE_GCC_VISIBILITY
-- Performing Test __KDE_HAVE_GCC_VISIBILITY - Success
-- Found KDE 4.5 include dir: /usr/include
-- Found KDE 4.5 library dir: /usr/lib
-- Found the KDE4 kconfig_compiler
preprocessor: /usr/bin/kconfig_compiler
-- Found automoc4: /usr/bin/automoc4
-- checking for module 'lcms'
--   found lcms, version 1.18
-- Found lcms version 1.18, /usr/lib/liblcms.so
-- Found JPEG: /usr/lib/libjpeg.so 
-- Found ZLIB: /usr/include 
-- Found PNG: /usr/lib/libpng.so 
-- Found TIFF: /usr/lib/libtiff.so 
-- Found Jasper: /usr/lib/libjasper.so 
-- Check Kdcraw library in local sub-folder...
-- Check Kdcraw library using pkg-config...
-- WARNING: you are using the obsolete 'PKGCONFIG' macro use
-- PKGCONFIG() indicates that libkdcraw is not installed (install the
package which contains libkdcraw.pc if you want to support this feature)
-- Check Kexiv2 library in local sub-folder...
-- Check Kexiv2 library using pkg-config...
-- WARNING: you are using the obsolete 'PKGCONFIG' macro use
-- PKGCONFIG() indicates that libkexiv2 is not installed (install the
package which contains libkexiv2.pc if you want to support this feature)
-- Check Kipi library in local sub-folder...
-- Check Kipi library using pkg-config...
-- WARNING: you are using the obsolete 'PKGCONFIG' macro use
-- PKGCONFIG() indicates that libkipi is not installed (install the
package which contains libkipi.pc if you want to support this feature)
-- checking for module 'libpgf'
--   package 'libpgf' not found
-- Could NOT find any working clapack installation
-- Identified libjpeg version: 62
-- checking for module 'libkdcraw>=1.1.0'
--   package 'libkdcraw>=1.1.0' not found
-- checking for module 'libkexiv2>=1.1.0'
--   package 'libkexiv2>=1.1.0' not found
-- Found MySQL server executable at: /usr/sbin/mysqld
-- Found MySQL install_db executable at: /usr/bin/mysql_install_db
-- Found gphoto2: -L/usr/lib -lgphoto2_port;-L/usr/lib -lgphoto2
-lgphoto2_port -lm
-- Found KdepimLibs: /usr/lib/cmake/KdepimLibs/KdepimLibsConfig.cmake 
-- Found Marble: /usr/lib/libmarblewidget.so
-- Can build Marble plugin: yes
-- Found GLIB2: /usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so 
-- WARNING: you are using the obsolete 'PKGCONFIG' macro use
-- Found LensFun: /usr/include 
-- WARNING: you are using the obsolete 'PKGCONFIG' macro use
-- Performing Test HAVE_LQR_0_4
-- Performing Test HAVE_LQR_0_4 - Success
-- Found Lqr-1: /usr/include/lqr-1 
-- Found Soprano: /usr/include 
-- Found SharedDesktopOntologies: /usr/share/ontology 
-- Found Nepomuk: /usr/lib/libnepomuk.so 
-- Could NOT find Doxygen  (missing:  DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE) 
--  digiKam 1.8.0 dependencies results   <http://www.digikam.org>
--  Qt4 SQL module found..................... YES
--  MySQL Server found....................... YES
--  MySQL install_db tool found.............. YES
--  libtiff library found.................... YES
--  libpng library found..................... YES
--  libjasper library found.................. YES
--  liblcms library found.................... YES
--  libkipi library found.................... NO
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:86 (MESSAGE):
   digiKam needs libkipi. You need to install the libkipi (version >=
0.2.0) library development package.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  CMakeLists.txt:285 (PRINT_LIBRARY_STATUS)

--  libkipi website is at http://www.digikam.org/sharedlibs
--  libkexiv2 library found.................. NO
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:86 (MESSAGE):
   digiKam needs libkexiv2. You need to install the libkexiv2 (version
>= 1.1.0) library development package.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  CMakeLists.txt:286 (PRINT_LIBRARY_STATUS)

--  libkexiv2 website is at http://www.digikam.org/sharedlibs
--  libkdcraw library found.................. NO
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:86 (MESSAGE):
   digiKam needs libkdcraw. You need to install the libkdcraw (version
>= 1.1.0) library development package.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  CMakeLists.txt:287 (PRINT_LIBRARY_STATUS)

--  libkdcraw website is at http://www.digikam.org/sharedlibs
--  libpgf library found..................... NO  (optional - internal
version used instead)
--  libclapack library found................. NO  (optional - internal
version used instead)
--  libgphoto2 library found................. YES (optional)
--  libkdepimlibs library found.............. YES (optional)
--  libmarblewidget library found............ YES (optional)
--  Can build Marble plugin.................. YES (optional)
--  Nepomuk libraries found.................. YES (optional)
--  libglib2 library found................... YES (optional)
--  liblqr-1 library found................... YES (optional)
--  liblensfun library found................. YES (optional)
--  Doxygen found............................ NO  (optional)
--  You will not be able to to generate the API documentation.
--  This does not affect building digiKam in any way.
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:399 (MESSAGE):
   digiKam will be compiled................. NO  (Look README file for
more details about dependencies)

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
heviiguy at hevii-NtBk-2:~/trunk/digikam/build$ ^C
heviiguy at hevii-NtBk-2:~/trunk/digikam/build$ 

On Sun, 2010-12-19 at 22:21 -0600, Hevï Guy wrote:

> First problem encountered...
> Following the instructions given at
> http://www.digikam.org/drupal/download/SvnAlongStable  I've been able
> to get as far as "Patch CMakeLists.txt to be able to build standalone.
> Download appended patch and place it in your development folder." I
> found the original CMakeLists.txt on my boat trunk/libkeeiv2/ and, I
> found the patch via the link:
> Index: CMakeLists.txt 
> ===================================================================
> --- CMakeLists.txt	(Revision 1117624)
> +++ CMakeLists.txt	(Arbeitskopie)
> @@ -1,5 +1,20 @@
>  PROJECT(libkexiv2)
> +INCLUDE(KDE4Defaults)
> +INCLUDE(MacroLibrary)
> +INCLUDE(MacroOptionalAddSubdirectory)
> +INCLUDE(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs)
> +
> +
> +# Preview acess was added in Exiv2 0.18
> +# IMPORTANT : Several fixes done in 0.19. Set as default version when KDE 4.4 will be released
> +set(EXIV2_MIN_VERSION "0.18")
> +macro_optional_find_package(Exiv2)
> +macro_log_feature(EXIV2_FOUND "Exiv2" "A library to access image metadata" "http://www.exiv2.org" FALSE ${EXIV2_MIN_VERSION} "Required to build libkexiv2 and gwenview.")
> +
>  # =======================================================
>  # Information to update before to release this library.
> I assume that I copy the above and paste it into CMakeLists.txt. Is
> this correct? Where do I append it? At the beginning? At the end?
> On Sun, 2010-12-19 at 19:58 +0100, Michael G. Hansen wrote: 
> > On 12/19/2010 07:50 PM, Hevï Guy wrote:
> > > Thank-you Michael. A few more Noob questions:
> > >
> > > If I am somehow successful in getting DigiKam running by following what
> > > seems to be a complete set of instructions in your link, how would I
> > > then delete the stable version?
> > 
> > You would have to uninstall it using the package management tools of 
> > your distribution - for ubuntu, 'sudo apt-get remove digikam'. However, 
> > you should first remove it, otherwise your installation overwrites the 
> > files which apt-get thinks are in the package, and then they may be 
> > removed when you uninstall.
> > 
> > > Will it be safe to delete the development folder and contents after a
> > > successful build (I assume that the build also makes all the appropriate
> > > directories and populates the files accordingly, right?).
> > 
> > Once you ran 'make install', yes, you can remove the build folder.
> > 
> > Michael

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